Though the full Fairport version really has the edge, being the ego of just one, alone
is lost in the morass of musical foam
and thus it is more of 'nature'
being nature is a thing of multiple lives living coextant
humming along in a not unpleasant harmony
Even the 15 year living in, Londoner...
They don't know
In what is, just like Paris to France, this only capitol mindset
is yes arrogance.. abd a kind if only narcissism..
the Londoner cannot think
It may be other
than as they are
and have Been..
She cannot even think - put her head in another place or another's shoes.... or have anothers ears to listen.
This is the sad fact if arrogance, a harsh word for just being infected with London
And would not even know, just how busy her region is ( i only ever think of 'regions - 30 km circles around a location which may be the centre of my mental universe at any time)
Anywhere from Foulmouth, all down the East Coast from there, even the southern coast of Lizard... so so busy
and if course inland all the way to Penzance or the inland towns
so much traffic
So much noise
And so much ' needy'
"look at me, like a warrior i retired here on my big pharma or British Aerospace genocidal bomb making division, pension .. and valiantly survived a few frosty days... to be here in this carpark ribbed anorak to smile at you .."
So every few weeks i must ... depart
West or maybe to some
very south
more hidden awayplace
retreat into the few quiet places i have found .... on the edge of it all:
their so noisy region....
Just London. And they would not even accept or know they live there...only having lived elsewhere- definately not London, can one recognise London and its arrogant .. frankly disdain for other humans
all around... everything here
( and i see the skin of those many years in the actual geographiccal cities, looks many years older than ... 'normal' skin)
But there is one aspect
And also
sad but true...
So Be it... i only feel sad for their inadvertant martyrisation to a ..fraud. Which leads to no good thinking. Ever. Good thinkers must Be
' both'.. for real... have experienced the big city arrogance...but also lived a life for years among the totally null people... who have nothing, say nothing, never dress to Be something .. know no one would take any notice of them, ever.. but ' living ' means really living.. year on year awaking knowing no one knows you or can ever or would ever care and there is no way of changing that
cities selling the false dream these things can be changed
in rural wild places away from her busy busy Bee region....its not even a dream...
( this post got accidentally chopped up and mixed up i got better thigs to do than bother starting again... which reminds me... some immigrant here 30 ish years ... she wouldnt even know, the atricious English now of even the mother tongue university educated... yours is far better! seriously... dont moan... its tragic, real tragedy when english american too... 90% + have lost much of their confidence and ability in simple coherent english ..they chop it all up... lost children... yours is far better, even when ranting at me !! ...i suck up to no one)
anyway... " fickle friends" deadSandy ..sung
such a city song
to Be cont