
Friday 19 January 2024

name... them

 So just in case i die of happiness.

( i don't think that my generation get it yet, Gaza is a metaphor....  i know for a fact Saudi genocidal pilots are trained in Shropshire ... because i spent an hour last March  with him and his family atop the hill by 'Gods Waiting Room ' as they call Church Stretton....  most of Pastylabdshire is dutto .  ... he one of them....Mrs Jen o Cide unhijabbed over here with her nippers...them on a picnic smiling between his training sesions how to fry Yemenis....  and i am quite sure the traineee massacrists circle over Gwerk and the South Coastal pathway,  too...... everyone turning their heads away.... Pilger  and his superb jottings  on qhy the uk should Be in the Hague...changed my life from 35 years ago, made not one jot of diference..  this aisle is only the mulitary industrial ...its not complex.... each bomb let off is a bit of a new SUV for his wife to prance around in. . the Corny car parks.... metaphor: we failed... all human rights type politicking all my adult life, failed...give up... fait acconpli)

in fact i shouldnt even smile at what i heard a week ago ... she who had the public false allegations and arrest!! from her ex despite her being minister of abuse  or summit like that

out of the blue

" ... nope... even tomohawkin' a few Hoothis is same old same old and  wont end well...we need to stop!!!!."

what a fabulous babe

indeed doubly so being her  boss seems as military industrial.... sane old simple 



 as  the worst of them... like Blair

Sarah Champion if i had my life over i would champion

But they say" do not speak ill of the dead" ... well thats rather beyond the grave  narcissistic  if you ask me. .

especially as a real history is based on fact or tries to be

One i lived. Even if for decades we lived in awe of her . .. even Queen of the greatest of all culture The Old Grey Whistle Test...

that WAS our education.   

2002 ...

  " ohhh wow..... she is renting our place. ...[ 500 quid a weekend Hay Festival informal b and bas no space in hotels] .. 

afew days later


thoughbubble: "  ohhh wow.... shes only about 60....all those late nights and all that hermiting indoors.... poor thing she looks about 80....  moral of the story, want to Be..or look a bit.... forever young as they all do... get out a bit!! "

dialog: " hey.... you the voice of  goodness and authenticity never mind the greatest music of all time..... i am proud that you are staying in.....

" ...Est...Esti..... say hi to Annie shes the most heroic real woman of all time...she guided my whole generation to betterness....staying in YOUR bedroom for the weekend....    anyway Annie i am proud she is meeting you. .. 

so ...look im an utterly exhausted single dad...   usually up at 5am to just scrape a living....  we will be sleeping up the road in our campervan... so if you really are 100% certainly having just a quiet weekend you and your partner working on your memoirs ...  here.... ok i could move all the valuable books out if you might be having guests you dont know ... i trust you but i need to take care..... .they are my living...... it will take me an hour ... but we  know we can trust you...ok if you are certain.......i will leave them all here in the lounge tidied aside... as you are certain  just you two and a quiet weekend ....

i will leave personal stuff and records up there on the shelves  .....  you have that lovely quiet weekend then... you got our number if plans change..." 

3 days later " Est ... well.... sorry...... theres even vomit   on your clean clothes  we left in a pile under the  bed for next week....  mustv been some one hell of a  party.....  shame we never got  any call like even  an there were loadsa stars ... Adam Ant someone said was here nice homely boy..... ugghhhh itll take me all day to clean their mess. ..  and begin to figure what was...stolen....   music people... the moral of the srory, never trust one..especially smiley fuckin  bitches like her.. she may well play great soul on radio 1.. but clearly she doesnt have one...oops dad jzed a banned word there... reserved for true evil of either gender... i think you have seen here the definition of what it is.... utter unnecessary  disengenuity thats cost us dearly ... . so... learn from it. ... and remember... poor tjing doubt she even knew what 'say what you mean' , means...   "