no question
but no one knows what or why it is, never mind can see or second sightguess it
And ... if i had someone around the last few weeks, even she would have to get of her high horse and accept...
"ehh ok... about ten little ' divine coincidences' a day... even Londonarrogantiste, I ... have to admit ehh.. that's s funky little line of ' second sight' you got there .. that one [ 0810 Today, filmed even] well we can ot argue with that!"
" well i would like to read through all your layers of tangy rather sour 'onion layers' but i cannot read your mind ... but dont e even THINK for a second... of trying to make any money from 'it' ..or faking another thousand Fakebook 'friends' posting it .. thsts the deal i do know.. it must never be gained from in fact one should NOT share ' proof' of it with ANYone ..unless thyre defo towards end of life or ... my helpmeet-wife.. cos... if a truly self contained i-need-nooneist, especially some fuckin fairy sat on my shoulder helping out .. only ever ref my fingers, as me, can be given this gift of knowing i am never tangoing 'alone'.. in reality
any cunt can .. but it is so much more real knowing no one ever ever helped me or propheted from..
even itzy witzy bitzy
guruing me
i dont Be leave a word from any " human" gob
never have
except there may
Be 'something'
ohh i wish you could cos i am not ... sweet enough to eveen influence one lost lamb, one day... never mind anyone else