"hate" ( a non existant word crime)....
justice (she said "bodily")
sat in my jalopy a week of such EATING... eat eat eat
then walk walk walk
and the eating continues.
And now sleeping
ten hours.
(and then crying way before damn today - whatever is the opposite of hate - being its in another dimension of not real emotion, and finding her again when lost is ... welcoming back to this dimension the bitch went and run off to..i have yet to find the words..)
Because already this year so much has happened it is daft. From that first walk 26 December chatting with THE chuff woman... she who alone brought them back and tended to them so long
" ferckin National Trust.. dont ever believe THEIR weasel words..." (recorded interview)
To 1st January i GET those words at last
And even ..
A saudade
THERE is only ONE
(after the woman who uses - culturally appropriates if ever there was such a crime, "hiraeth" but cannot even pronounce it in any way vaguely similar...and she IS of English speaking original stock)
A saudade
Several in one
Most perfect moment with someone not on the radar where only one blips no matter what she may...think. Not that shecould.
" so what writing do you like then...? there is a reason for me asking... cmon if you had a 25 year old kid maybe you do i wouldn't know and were forced to force her to read one book.."
After the usual hatecrime fanaticism of " i dont think we should force anyone to read anything..
" .....uggh that old standard line...i assumed you knew better.....ok .. use your bleedin blood red imagination...the world is burning and you can only save one book for you and your notional 25 year old daughter...what?!...its a simple question..."
" ok... well ok yes......Steinbeck..."
And... as if Homer is there with his criminal paintbrush painting the perfect panorama dipped in menses blood of new start new dawn... some things are perfectly timeless
And back to how they always were
and should
And i know why......
Because all day backing the fuck up.. the fuckin lot of it.....
with her wifi wafting between the borderline that separates her from me...
I noticed...
she even had her tea
Since 2010 my anus orribilatis...and before...i have only encountered and marriage proposed two geniuses..
But the genius bit is the bit that matters...i am nothing
But an enjoyer of impossible
Both of course play at being strange but thats strange as genius is simple
Now i never abandon anything... and we have the smooth version
Is one splendid saudade of all saudades
But back to hate and geniuses
I hate only once
And i had slightly forgotten the first liberant ( just flowed out word for a woman who releases - one all the way, due her geniussiness)
I think it was 2010 or maybe 11...i have my records
In my first three year ultimately simple life off grid phase
So limited power and online
One day i stumbled across the greatest singer of all time
Who had written the greatest song of all time
But i didn't quite know at first....
Because geniuses smash you in the face with their cheeky knowing they are right and it takes time
Anyway fast forward a few months
live on then monitored by the feds and enemies, so i just wrote all openly every day..mine oldblog big un...and Fakebook
" Gretchen look sweetcakes ... Indian ..is the greatest ever song ... and as we know it is the way you deliver it ... there you were releasing you pissed singin Precious Angel that simply was undergenious beauty of the highest self parodying beautiful degree....
" but on my 100th listen and watchin' you doin' Everythin' is Indian... even if you from loonyland and you dont like the sun clearly....i will just be your slave for life you are god .. please will you marry me, so i can get the visa to be your slave for life and anyway i could not not love you for life being you are the only real genius i have ever even seen for decades..."
After a year of occasional GRACEFUL banter in public about...all that... never got anywhere anyway i was distracted
A few years later
(before i knewof free youube downloaders i forget the very good one i use)
" Gretch.... I see youve been reorganising your 100s of genius song performances.... where....is...IT...?.. i dont see it..."
" aww bless you... ehhhh....ooohhhhhh...... i lost it...."
" awww...please tell me one thing ... you have it backed up....somewhere...!!!...if not... i think i may be about to actually hate a human for the first time ever in my life"
I know what hate is even if only provisional