what a truly great opening scene....
not copyrighted, anyone can data nickit...
( one dance- parodies people, " humans" who one may hope can do better...
actually " change"..
and we only wish thise we value may actually [ no fees involved] ...change, or at least find a quieter ..and healthier quay... to their real, no fakebook, change they moan about wanting themselves! )
cut out a bit...
cut to scene ..of baba on back,
ma walking along the extraordinary beautiful dystopian sky ... none of them looking at it
... one sidles by baba and notices, on the 10 month old's .. screen, a smiley... Eckhart!
what a fuckin brilliant oscar bafta best short worthy idea!! ..
as long as folk can actually think any more in 3 dimensions, which in this land seems not to Be
ever again, possible ....
especially if under 45ish.... . ( my interviews confirm, espesh the last month...i been ...a busy ...Bee... but now am " done " so can die)