
Monday, 18 December 2023


the young'un gets it...
And knows my only life.... I care for.
( that gaza stuff  here from 8 oct all on fact written for your dad! .. its literally ehat he needs [ ex foreign office she knows she must become his equal as...hes s problem.. tupical british artogant madtrr of the universe cant even accept most intelligent great 26 yr old daughter as...valid]... get him! nuke him with it... in fact you can tell him YOU thought it all up!!..  just copy paste.. claim as original and  yours ..[ but careful of google change some words]...   you are infinitely more important than me...i am lucky i became all i ever needed to be.... and never for a second, your age believed may for a moment ever be for me

And i just knew that if one may have grown up, she has.....  5 years in three months.

the PM and writer you[ society] want.. 
its going to be interesting watching you over the years!! 

 flip only a year older than my own lass

oops didnt mean to put tnis up one of my many " gosh all the fancy stuff the middle classes must have here at Surrey on show off.. even on 15 ugly they are.. the simple human body is do much more pleasing"

no more....

oops yes anothrr grom the collage of o have never seen so many workshop... adverts...

" they all waste their time om all these stupid courses and workshops"  the only intelligent thing i have heard about here... a year ago.

... but sadly she darent repeat it...or have anyone around who knows her true intellgent analysis...... and thats dad as not Being whp you are just puts more lines on your face ...maybe even a scowl and hunched body in time

anyway, all imagery the last 9 months is NOT my real art...

13 years ago my actual poignant arty imagery began... 

And it kind of ended a year ago when i knew why i had bothered to use it...use it to give me energu...believe in SOMEthing... so as to have stayed alive.. 

For what was worth having stayed alive...for

So Be it...

But ... its so dull the poor unesteemed woman, as all poor confused ungiided ones are... seems to demand their weak control.... by their silly unticking

of just a great picture on a great wild beach...

I gave up

But have far more poignanty srty emotionally headfucking love story pics ... from the years begore the schism...

i haven't even looked through yet

But am so looking forward to...


I am full time! on something ( well the youngun kows what
)..   ponderi g... eandering maling time for all sorts of people.. random conversations to understand...
who we became. Errata not me, i say what i mean and mean what i say and always follow through with offers even if i dont enjoy the person  pledged to.. or dont like the idea of following through... 

but then thats the point, joint good enterprise eventually you find some  goodness and bridging...
and human connection
thst isnt just about yourself

But one thing for SURE

and the more i tjink sbout it justice as a concept was always an incorrect fantasy...anyway just a big word for fairness

as for " bodily justice"... yes but its a personal thing so only personal...all we have....... in fact even throwing oneself off the cliff prhaps is a form of it 

( to... Be ...cont)

but i know for a fact we dont live in a " christian" society.. you dont even get a cuppa here from anyone