Monday, 18 December 2023

well i never....

 ....though that would work. Ever again. Already had the .ental funeral, and party, for the end of it...

The parable or metaphor or allegory or moral of the story, i never really know the best word for " take note"  or even learn.

Even if had enough lessons for a lifetime:  By really getting very broken, such that its a 'risk' it will be buggered for good, does one get in its head   and  maybe fix it...properly!

Not that i needed a laptop being new years revolution absolutely never again ever have any communication with any device other than 

" hello... much nicer just to speak human to human" and i shall certainly only write things in longhand on paper as it is so much more SIMPLE ... and may axtially cause someone to pause..ponder...meaning 

Bugger me it works. And with it goibg wonky several weeks i really thought it eas a new wonkiness   fir which tgere coukd never Be any conceivable fix..

in fact Groundhog day ( a love story) running concurrently with the Sunshine Deserts wonderful metaphor for... it all just keeps going wonky in same old way...


always a solution... cut out the dead wood, or dead ( quite newish)  keyboard,  infecting that good wood left...

dont need these any more
New year... clear all the past away. for good...