... cont
i hate fingering
i can only go all the way in dignified fullscreen all fingers..
the whole body in ones words
Yugoslavia in a way i was'made' there.. more challenged in a great way ( what REALLY is life...?) there than by any other society
And then 97 and on seeing Central Europe utterly drowning in the massive gaudy tidal wave of consumerism....
and i knew some of the marketeers... profiteers on the worst kinds of fear they would market into the minds of Poles and others " you mum dont use our Pampers, priced at 10 x relative to UK money.... you are abusing your infants causing bumrot..or worse"
the big q of course... is damning it all, and architectually destroying nature ...
compromising the natural systems forever there
is that really 'good' for the human soul or not...
i sm noy a fanatic but i am aware this never really hss been intelligently pondered wtitten about or debated.
using real life words and experience...
and REAL " insight' .. that insight one lives in ones hardest times.... and is not a lie, of Fakebook dopamine catcher ... as we only have oursrlf to share it with... in quiet hermitude of years of nothing...