.. no, not a Homeric repetition
Although it is the only remedy and simple answer to all
Such a wonderful whole series of examples over half a year have daily been Homeric chorus... proof
Something much deeper now, that in fact so ultra simplifying everything, has allowed. Soon
But in passong just one day in the Life of an absurdly fortunate Ivan Denisovic
I mean it is all quite simple, had my life not been so ultra simplified .. streamlined, cut back to only what matters, then i would not have had the 'time' .. poise... calm... 'space'... for that truly most nourishing real chat for three hours i mean that alone is impossible so of course she wss a poltergeist ghost dervish angel delight...) with maybe the only interesting English woman ever... and certaimly most truly magnificently HONEST
.about the things the others dare not share...
Out of the blue just like that
( so wonderful Neruda " a conversatiom does not Be..gin until we have been speaking an hour" .. he would have been crying [ as i still do to Watership endings] with glee: ' look at them! my disciple he.... and shetoo.... she goes to break off to her day every half an hour... he assumes she will be ... but in the true tango of life with time for it to platonically, no kissing, play out all the way..so perfectly.... especially when the subjects are so life changingly important... that of a young man currently lost to Tate... etc... she doth...linger..'...
What matters. One tjing to share from last January, soon...
And Synovial stuff we dont understand but recently peek at.... it REQUIRES uv to do what it has been doing for millions if years .. keep the little arthititis bugs at bay
last February