
Friday, 8 December 2023

new ' readers'...

 basically a labour of 'love' ...unplanned

a rumage through the bracken BUT you must have the right songs on, too

Minnie Les Fleurs  us the rhythm

Candide, having grown up, being chased around the block by the Mariner trying to shut him the fuck up by whackin im over the head with a long long, surplus to requirements, smelly albatross..

because he wishes to adopt him as a belived adopted son..

and she once called me, rightly..." daddy" i mean she of the last year..

sadly she... for years the only she.. was i guess the Omelas one...

though saudade, unlike their awful hiraeth... 

" is not finizhed yet" ..and i am more fool than  silly boyman Candide..

talking if which your boymen...

i bean a roamer and people watcher most my life ... ( between times of, if you have a kid inhouse, it requires ALL of you...always)

your men... fuck... post 2021 a little bug...

and now they ALL stare... stare stare stare..

today in superstaring mode...

at a happy man whos body language and body talk ... even sat here on cliffedge office ...  never looking at them as theyre all boymen

pathetic... they rarely used to post them all turning into sniveling little porn addicts ( or gamblers when they told you 2020 to"  stay back at the sink...'n 'oova.. cos now crisis...the man must go out and work" 

at his gambling addiction in his vw boho golf around the corner...

but the way they stare... 

its this 'entitled' stare ( more anothrr day i study it)

Swap em for a Kraut or even Pole .. anything to get a visa out

I am above all that, seven years i was international wife aware ( one eye open for) after their disgusting regression to pre enlightened times

authentic . . and valuing a woman

means the only one i suggested i may need a shotgun for.. in a nice way......and she smiled.. by text...then.... had to disown her splendid ( not quite yet is it next year? hmm..) EU one...

 but still  shes the only one

this week gone they make even requited love over their horrid border... even more expensive or neigh on imposdible . ... to get your love united in tjis backwards isle

anyway a first draft of merely my notes generally as they hapen with some shared things from the past no one else would dare... not for cheap  clicks as i only ever even mention to very very few .. a dozen at most... tjis year

... .i just think may be worthy..

i couldnt give a fig if no one reads ( though the audios i do believe are kindof groovy)...

cos the deal is... them eating disordered, manically  schitz, borderline disorders with no personality them angels up above....

they know what you mean

and think too

and its impossible to even shaman  divine... know for a second.

. whats in the next second

especially if you think 'feminine' is a real word...( ref heather hayling darkhorse pod very good on almost NO bodily biological mental diference btween bird [ her word not mine, i am no latent Miss Anne File or whatever the latest meaningless insult by weak sad women  cos they bought into everything warned off in Affluenza, years ago....who want to get on radio 4  with dome new trendy moaning word] or  bloke

yes ehh feminine (latest vudu weekend retreat fad for fat women nothing better to spend their stolen loot on ... at least one occadional  practitioner said to me what stupid and lonely weirdos  all her clientele were  needing to spend so much time on workshops) ... feminine... i have never met one... i met many rather unhappy people some try make money by faking that word is real ..

...... oops where was i..

but you have to go back ( bottom right hand corner 'older posts' ) 

july  period

i think it was quite unique

.. just notes for me on a maube Joycean or Proystian tjing that actually could be 7 seperate books quite quite seemingky unconnected even if there is only ever one thread running all through

that need filling in with bridging paragraphs or even detypoing  one day to make just about readable...

but its all 100%... energy... movement... just to keep the charging up....

and a few small battles, too....