
Friday, 15 December 2023


 Fair dos

The young full Pak ( my half Pak friend agreed 2 months ago " if everyone would just get  crossbreeding-  mongrelisation you personify is the answer to all this silliness")   , Sarah Haider...

She is quite good at letting go ( being a fullon breeder of a big brood) and recently on 'radfem  tradfem'.. on their discuszion, more silly nonwords...

Because she is very brown and a muvva can get away with playing playfully with words as she does especially "retard" though it is good to hear that political correctness HAS worked ... in that  no one any more would ever be rude to a retard, to a retard, ( her word!)and in fact according to her everyone is nice to the tards.. only making jokey retard jokes to their nonretard mates...

I wonder if that other 'thing' has changed yet?

As i watched lastereve the rather good Richard Gere film Mr Jones... thats a joke in a joke being that Bancroft also stars in it but not as naughty Mrs Robinson this time ...

ALL..i mean by default, women doing the 'work' on themselves as of about 2007 ish... meaning reading truly bad books by folk like Tolle or rather  the new guru typed ...and fakebook posts about other people rather than getting to know other people which takes a long time

would in normal conversation use abnormal new insult ( proxy for being afraid of  a nice human screw in get none if this in France)

such as medical insults if you are mojo 100% " you are bipolar"

And then the ladt 6 or 7 years we have all the new even more slanderous medical i sults without having seen your medical records ( my iwn remarkably free from any problem) that one is ... asbergers the first...on the specrum .. then it becomes ' narcissistic' .. 

All of which are intelectually devoid words except in the most extreme off the cliff efge instances - pushing someine else off it  and ending up in Broadmoor...and i have extensively over many years read carefully on real psychology...

Anyway uou dont get that indult so much " bipolar"...

( except one hilarious incident of chief witchdoctor a year ago... because i was always happy,  whilst she was suffering from not listening to her gurus... she was trying to make mountains if money from selling... and had failed... and i alone was there to guru her acvounts into '"dont bother taking me to court, i spent it all"

A story of britain for another day..

But for years all i have cared about is i am lucky... 

100% constant...  

always up,  never up-up, and never for more than a minute really down...

its the occasional minute that interests me... did as of 5 or 6 years ago....

must put into essay..soon