* their other default nonword
yes all.
. plots for months
connect back to only one
except 'mutual benefit' must be perfect
even if unsayable
and anyway all will gail, it is written in the ancient texts
which still burn a hole in my very much rejuventaded heart
" Uk certainly should be in the hague" if it doesnt vote for a ceasefire .. but all of them who do
should be sent to the bottom of the class for not voting surrender...for your own sake... give up 7 oct no going back.... those whom surrender earliest get the best settlement as all great generals...knew ...until spaz young social justice showoffs thought they know better as their tutors the least educated in history...and those whom even get interred... sleep best at night for years to come... and no way those greedy guntotin nutters going to unsettle the west bank ...so...its time for plan b... and thats...always been... walk away"