As he says, and myself i wish that would be all they say.
" my partner has a gentle second sight but she doesnt talk about it much .. it just is for her"
just a gentle often daily little divine coincidence at work ibtake time to enjoy, call it a second sight i prefer not to call it anything. but i know 100% it is reality
But it shouldnt Be anyones work
" it [ paranormal, yes that we may exist in imagination] matters because it is about our relationality together..."
but i am not aware of 'it' helping us live healthily and with compromise, together, as functional couple family or community; nor ever assist in deciosions about how to be in unity with another..any other.
That we alone must figure. Thats the deal
I have yet to find any such writer who tells us what any of thiis is...for
And mumbo jumbo clever waffelry on anything not stuff, is often close to charlatanism or egomania
thats the point, we cannot know, and are alone to make what we can, on this earth, now.