The brave Serbian " warrior" ...
who knows hot to tell a story.
Of course wont tell the stories behind her saying
" the way your British parents bring up their children is truly disasterous... sickening"
Because apart from having to suck up to those parents for a living.. and being not quite so brave as implied...maybe
has forgotten
not opinions...not bullshit repeating some other fey guru mans words...
only real stories actually really change people
but you gotta Be actually warrior and actually Be lieve in yourself, and actually have someone to " watch your back" to tell the ones we actually need to hear...
of here and now
because i heard the anger her uttering those words...
she cared.... only people who care speak with such vitriol and passion... disadian for the parents she saw... parenting so disatrously ( its not hard i did it snd i am not intelligent)
reference the 'festival' audio below...and she was no outlier
a complete charms archetype of thousands more i have met like her... and they all bloodywell colonised here of course...many ( brit born ) on daddys money...
though i have zero onterest in here its just 3x back last area ... and 1/3 of these sadly the end of anu functmional society ... even the young woman as great white hope, i adopted a decade ago knew 100% before their smarm smothered even hertoo
( and as for Martin Amis.. hopefully McEewan and Barnes...soon.... all british male novelists for 30 or more years... should be ignored as silly manchildren looking for cheap gimmicky thrills)