Tuesday, 7 November 2023

Well, that [innix] was impossible...

 'T ain't all.... bad....

" weird....all day at the last place i was fighting this machine and there was no way ever in all of his Tory shamanic vudu ...'twas evahh gonna work again i said it needed a whole hour just to scan the c disk no way am i gonna bother with that Mikeysoft load of lies deceit and ....i come here the last place on the earth this weird little place and.... plug it in and..... i dont believe in fairie, you have to EARN fairie magic or her fiery aplomb 'tall azz to be earned....  but theres no way this was going to .....work.... "

"... while we're on 'workin'....let me ask you a question and if the answer is 'yes' i shall kidnap you away from him.....Ove, yes..wow we are on that same REAL page........but have you also read any Tommy B? [ my tax credit signin... schmutzer... the nestbe may be a bit too much for them].."

A new crime has been discovered.

Kier can ad it too his list....

his anti-Schindler end of humanity one....

(" you mean let me say it i saw ALL the evidnce you mean JC the second coming of christ died cos of a load of BBC cunts who thought that he may mean their Sloane Square property prices...too...may have to be adjusted.. adjustedtoo...")

When a 


sexier than Karen ...

And that takes some doing last winter my her shouldering looks....

I wonder if she knew i noticed her every change of look

From the austere librarian high collar control freak  to the...she knew she had the best legs in that snotty county

 But.... she didn't commit the crime of unlawfully harassing me to keep natterin' with her.... loud as well

And she didn't even look around unlike me looking around to check no one else was around as we broke My rules and values and behaving with full respect to every human's rights ALWAYS

From the damn of time they once knew

But not err....

"look.... you may well have gone there sweety  - i watched the Shapiro just the other ight....but I watch the Oxford Union debates and sorry... the arrogance that is an expensive and expansive hijab coverin' their heads so we dont see that they know absolutely NOTHING...you could hear it in every word of them vs Shapiro i utterly despise but...or despaired more for their vacuous empty performance as they baited him....as i have found with every Oxbridge grad i have ever known...ok maybe except Katrina.... and then now..... toi...." 

"and thus even if at the end of this sceptic aisle the children of surfers against being grown ups and joining the council to maybe DO summit 'tabout it..... indeed this place the tip of the toe that tickles the bum hole of everything that is the anti human ...blahh blah.... 'twill forever for me be now known as the library of the great dialectic ....and Ami she saw my method..... and her jaw dropped as she was at her accounts..... ' how the fuck did he turn her ...? and then..... ' ..."

Frankly i don't care even if i know they don't as the new fixed version is better than the original and the sound doesn't leak as the sewerage even into her creek....

As this one has far better sound...

Up to 11....and ...

off we go

Come into my garden as Minnie sang

'cept... err Les Fleurs is ten times better and when i heard a few weeks ago some fashion spiv capitalist consumerist materialist status abscessed pig even if he was brown .....select it as his virtue signalling disc....

THE end occurred...

The end of PR culture and what the best was for.....

(ohhhhhh god the spazzez have got their masks back on...ope they aint got cctv in ear peerin over my shoulder....cos ...Que la guerre commence!)

But no time for the mellow....

When a Northern librarian battles you to the dialectic death and 

"for all your Oxford PPE love..... they lost and the art of war includes knowing how to save yourself from....pride and.. 


.. but watch The Mayor you will seetoo.... Mayor (film)

Mayor is a 2020 documentary film produced and directed by David Osit. The film follows Musa Hadid, the mayor of Ramallah.....

I watched it and cos i can think for myself all my life in love with Pallies.... but.... something's gone wrong the opulence of their county seat... so much richer than 'Orrorfordshire county seat fewer folk...."

"sir.... hmmm... I am liking this, and somehow our slightly different takes are  ... in the dialectical... space between us are... adding to more than the sum of us...together.."

So... at last i am reunited with my... so glorious year its daft that was first time in my life.... lost... behind the only one time in my life ...only once....  there was a choice a year ago: keep on top of your breaking equipment ... save your past rather a lot of it.... double backitup....aLWAYS