
Thursday, 30 November 2023



I mean... bless this sceptic aisle.

So summed up ... awakened 4.30 am by tge heavy rains on the roof, one does ... errata, did...learn a little more of how to live ( the Kenyan woman i heard one 4am on the World Service in 2006 was a lifechanger "  i need to get out our TRUTH... in my hinterland  boondocks there is terrible prejudice  ..and fear...taboo... about even mentioning HIV... mine, one tryst with mine man, who trysted down the shanties in the city  a little too much for his own good... .and mine......  we are like leppers... i will be shunned and have rotten mangoes chucked at me... and told i ruin the image for the tourists.. but i am one of many women riddled with that plague and for them i now speak out ..even if i am inarticulate and full of typos . ....and will be shunned but my dream is all us HIV women one day can speak freely about this  straightforward medical condition " 

thoughtbubble: " wow! . "

otherthoughtbubble " i hope my daughter hears this one day... thats what i call spirit...! just back from her aunty.. London socialite ... overpriced celeb restaurant ... where everyone knows she has it they say.... but we've all been banned from ever even conversationally  mentioning  " hey you look ok the pills must be working i guess" .. to her neice  sat for the first time introducing... there should never have been any time.. 

as subsequent years only proved

All a funny Monty Python the lot of them!

Inevitably the suposed cultured English fear words that tell their truth...

Like the world service 4.30 today... 

Never a mention ... its not trendy to mention: 

speak out or just make a video refering to pesticides quite unlawfully ( and unnecessarily) sprayed right next to the river Arrow at Titley 1 km upstream from my perfect bridge

you would get run over by tractor of  the thug of a farmer ... " you cant say THAT!"..

And its boring to cover endless dodgy practice  by whiteman... here....

Its the way the BBC do the easy thing... it is so easy to go and point the finger at some brown person  in some chaotic 'corrupt' brownperson land...fucking their neighbours with poison... 

wish to even weave a bit of reality about a provincial part of uk into a poem

you have to leave

for good

burn your bridges just telling an actual truth

( cloaked and hidden until i left the last  region as it would have got me killed... he knew me)

but the truly funny truth is Bulmer up the road how for years he pimped out his inherited land as eco teepee community playground... 

cos he isnt stupid.  Its so easy to fake 'green' credentials especially if you have access to fancy leather blouses ..or are they blousons? and end up as magazine centrefold..

whilst actually doing nothing ( the scientist proved) about the  screwed up river going through your own back garden...

I would study the flies in his gardens... 


... as we would call the three (pretend) oldthing ( ex London of course) fake  hippy chicks that did buzz  around him.... fresh meat....

my my how they buzzed... he isnt stupid...honeypots were invented aeons ago....

  PR yourself as eco Messiah   .... a few mil worth of parklands for them 

the harem

to retire to one day...

 Now that would be worth making into a little art film... 

oooooohhh i already have the footage.... years ago

live action

( and my my how they hissed when a younger fresher piece of meat  cycled by with me to ask their pimp..ooops boss... if he could maybe donate some slaves to the green party leaflet delivering operation..  everyone knew was just possibly worth the push on, in 2014...  now.... he took mountaibs of public gold and admiration for his greenwashing 'community' of ... the same old ex druggy  London users who wished a quiet life in the countryside  rebranding themselves as eco this or that when theyre allergic to a few flies or ants )

but would anyone 'get' it? i simply have no idea any more if anyone ever can keep to straightfirward simpkest themes or follow ANYthing through ever