Sunday, 12 November 2023

" my people"

'hate'? if you care for Palestine...

 bad title....  i give up...impossible to have any nuanced useful chat with anyone ( as Neruda so beautifully wrote " a conversation does not begin until one has been speaking for an hour")

illustrations to add....poignant ones ( and context)

for now you cannot get more poignant than this

i mean real ferkin trauma atomised  hell, poignant

audio 12 nov 

and i forgot to finish off the Ukrainian woman  and what she said...

or rather the tragic fire in her saying 

" but you don't understand ...its about my PEOPLE!!"

yes i do, a very expensively attired attractive woman in a very expensive  tourist spot harbour.. 

performing her " we need even more money!!" "and even more attention"

so more of her people get killed...

but you cannot say that of course and if you do... my ..oh my ...

and any of the new media stars and politicos who say " i was categorically against attacking Iraq [ 20 years ago]" are liars....

as was i....

but Gaza is far far simpler ...  no nuance. Only fixing it for the people and there is only one way

i do not 'do' social media. It isn't....

to be cont next post