(truly messy battery compromised quickest first sketch)
so interesting to hear in Lord Bragg's show on Thursday how boats were 124 years ago seen as one of the quay signs of 'conspicuous consumption'.
And that writer 1899 played with words ...clearly for 'good'.
Anyway so ....some years ago it was obvious, what was 'wrong' - but how to broadside? well the one thing you cannot do as we knew in the 80s, is get all bitchy. Every anti (us intellectuals always say " we never use this word") 'woke' commentator has simply bitched their way into becoming famous for their bitchy performance - and thus they all were merely part of the problem, and seemingly even moreso, are
I know one important new age load of bollocks that began in the 90s - the 'anarcho capitalist' or libertarian thinking ... really hard to pinpoint, but starting so intelligently and seemingly well intentioned with the writers like Alvin Toffler, De Bono, and then the tragic little whimpering English versions like De Botton.. rightly began a sideways review ...
But of 'what'? I know full well they were almost retarded sociopath types wo didnt actually live the 80s.
which began with one of the greatest pieces of art EVER - maybe the greatest.
Defo this version on the tv
with loads of happy babbas, and truly great surrealism and dancin' you just knew was saying the RIGHT stuff about the ..world
(the above pop video was actively taken off youtube about 3 years ago - blocked as indecent or wonky,!!??? good to see theres some justice in the world)
maybe this
maybe this
and in parrallel the other version without the superb intelligent surrealism WITH loads of kids - not cynically
" you need her and she needs you"
and no one cared if the fancy haircuts belied a tendency towards frocks, too...
Even if anyone with a brain never watched pop videos.... we just listened to music. But one couldnt help cathching up every few weeks with Top of The Pops so of course saw such....
And like all true art had NO idea, then, what to make of it... Now - or to use ther parlance having a jolly good " you need to meet yourself" session maybe 7 or 8 years ago i started to become curious .. yes what were we... and that superb art ... well lets just say no one slagged off 1980 Wang hung even if we pretended to be testosterone and heavy rock filled lumpen masses, above that ... were true wise enlightened NEW genius minds (as slightly dubious New wave arose)
It being rightly compulsory to slag off the boat boys i mean what on earth ...Duran Duran with their silly boys on boats videos were nationally embarrassing
And at just the same moment on the seesaw Wham! ... please...
humanity ended
(even if 25 % of culture and film and music in 80s was still the very best ever intelligent humanist )
So as a culture is rightly becoming cautious, sceptical about the 'drinking culture' the 80s - and i dont believe in any old people looking back with 'rose coloured specs' i want to know what on earth to say in the future if Miss Human rights were chanced upon.
The wars of the 80s... your John Grays while they werent a the party miss something truly fundamental. Indeed as elemental as Wang and his boys' dancin'...
South Arica (at external war) in Angola..in Namibia (to be), Mozambique, and Idi Amin ... and then also South America. (never forget) Thatcher's genocidere pal Pinochet, et al...
In the main the wars on the tv news and odd bit of radio news were understandable: the oppressive backwards baddie was fairly obviously established, even if the names of the warring factions complex: UNITA RENAMO etc ...
And gradually although the Angola war seemed to sadly go on forever, and few of us really understood which side was backed by whom, and why...there was a sense that over the 80s gradually the goodies - maybe defined as 'social democrat' inclined
Largely won, even if Mozambique it was a bit more complicated, but even in Mozambique the 'winning' (in the cities) oppressive one-party-only-socialists 'lost' by having to accept free multi party elections.
And much of South America so painfully did eventually kick out the true evil nutjobs, their boss to Maggie's UK...
In other words a more modern more soulful politics largely prevailed in the 80s...
But that wasnt because of some fuckin "anachronistic moment in time - humans being evil warring cunts" that your Grays and almost all the so called nuveau intellectuals now martyristically wallow in...its cos after true Apocalypse (before Primo and others righty made the Holocaust trendy - little was said of it in the 50s even into 60s) Kozinsky, Vonnegut and others rightly made supreme written art about the true wasteland of modern major warfare.... the world - especially the youth, learned its lesson...
Of course a slightly naive one paragraph, but not untrue.
And of course the (shortcut) word 'pacifism' the only hard word, rightly and brilliantly taken forward by Bertrand Russel's CND (never forget - the words most famous philosopher AND born Tory boy) but at the same all sane people knew even then in the 80s it was part of a process... in fairly simple wars where ...no one can argue that Namibia exists for the right reasons and is just...despite it arising out of war against... mainly whitey South African rednecks...
And is a territory of not just sublime physical beauty, but also sublimer spiritual beauty in that the 'lofty' version of beauty did come to pass (Polish using that as concept in their etymology of that word, the weird cynical English just make it about bad weather)
Now i aint no lost nutjob confuserist... obvious by 2010: " basically even the so called suniis and the other lot love dosh, set up a trestle table every 1km around the Syrian border: ' 20grand for a rocket launcher, 1 grand a handgun...and various variants in between . and off you go for a long holiday our side of the border'" i rit then and its extraordinary how that policy is so often there behind the scenes, they the boss class are fearful anyone knows about it, as it does actually work..
obviously we have the little issue of the ACCIDENTAL EECTION (IN THAT HE WAS OUTLIER NO ONE NOTICED AS MOST OF THEM THOUGHT HE WAS A BIT BONKERS) acc cap even if rather crucial.... 1979 Khomeini ... . apparently the most extreme nutcase of 12 who may all have been elected at that time, gets it almost by accident so we ave had the most fanatical fundamentalist over there.... bit of an n in the woodpile reminds me i must reprise many may beautiful woodpile photos and vids...
(but the way all Harris and Nuval can say now, is " yes but the muslim tendency to blowing themselves up as a positive thing for their future in paradise" the more i hear him i think how infantile and not really true - many peoples have committed suicide by cop or suicide by 'enemy', over centuries, there really is something very Grayish about mister Harris the supposed world top brain ...)
Anyway leaving aside the fact that maybe 1000 people die a week in UK from booze, and at least 2 or 3000 a week traumatise others around them by booze.....Katarina and her bottle... I had my own version - an angrily flung baked bean can by a boozy bloke in the early 70s ..i still think of often..... but don't use the rather silly 't' word - rather i call it splendid education: dont be a sad twat like him...
. (in 'Muslim' Jakarta a city of 8 million did you know - Indonesians not that fanatical muslim - there are literally only a couple of public boozer bars... a compromise they make for their addicted Western visitors )
Anyway no one really understood GW1... or that Saddam wasn't a fanatic like Khomeini and is band of merry dinosaurs...
So forget that hard time.. even if it has dominated some of the last 40 odd years
But then 92..... 'we' cared
'Tony's War'? Blair, Kosovo and the Interventionist Impulse in British Foreign Policy
And in fact it becomes really even more something to TRY and understand....
Because 'intervention' became the thing to understand...
And even if at dawn today in such a splendid mood .... bodymind at peak once more
I still cannot quite understand it all....
and have tried to figure the exhausting list
And one must i assume that UNPRAFOR... then NATO did the 'right'thing....then...
because 'intervention' is the question of the last 20 years of course ....what to say or even privately think