
Wednesday, 29 November 2023

always... a solution to them all.

Wales so so mean especially post 2020  ...

Going to cafe one learns the LOOKS...

As they all raised their prices ... all corrupted by the London playground down the corder where the service provuder,  can get £3.50  for a coffee .. 

Knighton Presteigne utterly no culture..nor even doth anyone know what a book js any more... of course try and bandwagon...

But try and plug a laptop and phone ...1 p an hour perhaps...into their £3.50 a coffee  socket

the looks....

Actually diferent .. a curiously embodied tightness ...less sour as in rhe comments, but meaner here... 

As the 8 year young realthing  vanwoman i had that other great chat with in July underdtood ..her eyes lit up when i pulled out of my backpack .." you will know about the need for one of these of course..." :-) 

and her a local local...

( only one wire for them to see and just about manage to not scowl at...)

best one was at the main Foulmouth art gallery... socket under bench in public area upstairs... used it a few times ..sat writing essays on art just seen...

... was seen... 

next time theres a  lock on the socket... and as it was  right hiddwn away under woodwork hard to get at it must have taken someone half an hour to fit it. .

i call that very weird

( i have a photo. journalised series on that too ...but never wish to identify any nutjob so i shall have to begin a new name i guess..."its just art"