
Friday, 10 November 2023

 So, all one needed to have ever said


to Z*****

And for the second time of coming, in the dialogues....she ignored her phone ringing -  and it does a lot, as she  is in charge of the place, where the fake 'environmentally minded' extremely expensive art is... and the South Kensington/ Polly Garch Tom Pauls  come and worship, cos a fifty grander above their mantle piece is of course the ultimate in virtue

And how her eyes lit up.

In time the whole dialog needs to be shared... because i have never met anyone like her  - and have searched high and low for years, but it's too late .. too much footleather and too much old bicycle tyre rubber expended, randomly floating around    .... 

One - extremely high art minded, whom also gets it: SIMPLE! is a must; and there is also real art in it, somehow... she even asked me "so does she smell...?"

But forget the art even if i know the 'so called' 

If The Zulu had made a good speech  - i mean none of them can for decades... she would be accepted and also immune:

"Deport to a desert island these dreadful people,  Bella so geniously describes in her award winning How to Kill... the ONLY good british book this century, the rest of our so called 'writers'  disappearing up their own  traumatised black holes... where she in her simply magnificent UNIVERSAL satire satirises the ex junkies who end up places like Foulmouth after daddy lodges them in The Priory a few years ....and recreate themselves as something they never were....for money; and the richer ones setting up yoga plantations in places like Gwerk-on-shitcreek  ...she even THREE times directly in her writing attacks her own father the editor of! it... [ i used to read most saturdays til aout 10 years ago when... it flipped] ...and creator of this foul  Guardian reading  lifestyle supplement brigade who ....   spin any virtue for gold Lamé socks at the drop of an alpaca fur hat.. available on their instagram at £99.99"

(the real problem in the UK,  so many 'speechlets' i have given - again this week to the harassy librarian,  "if you look up on the guardian they will say 'book about bashed woman by a man'   whereas apart from the fact Kushner in her Mars Room has both a woman bashed AND a man bashed, The Guardian won't have remembered that bit, anyway its a UNIVERSAL book about cruel mad humanity and universal genius as any ruskie ever managed  ......  and Bella's book is NOT a 'murder' 'crime' book in any way - i dont watch horror films or have never had a microwave or any gizmo EVER in my kitchen - pots pans and cuttlery...all you ever need...    it is a UNIVERSAL satire, about ....largely.... give a woman a bag of gold and generally she will turn into sucha  self obsessed loony harridan  especially if she goes to any 'wellness' or other showoff words for gaggles indoors at 200 a day 'workshops'... but the 'reviewers' are so badly educated they nowadays could never think of an actual real way to speak of a superb book... as i have of course found to the OTHER librarians - quite a few " Mars Room has tons of really unpleasant TRAUMA...but NO PITY... none.... and guess what we LEARN from stories without pity...i leaRNED MORE FROM THE PITILESS RACHE BOOK THAN ANY OTHER FOR YEARS..".. OOPS ACCCAP...   and even 'sharing' such an opinion very very softly and quietly with librarians  .. they will never speak with you again.... between LOUDLY shouting their holiday meals and and christmas plans to all the other librarians... everywhere i this awful land i first encountered in Hay-on-Wye 2010...)