
Thursday, 9 November 2023


to be sent to ...

i WANT to keep this clean, and ascetic,  but...

so many years tending my wood....
why bother they never mean it: "i agree two per chimney is how it should be..." and much wood just for one i kno0w would be a i saved it

She was on radio 4 chan a few months ago, now some years i knew her....she never once moaned about her crippled hands ever...
indeed laughed.
Often with me. 
As soon as Balding had her up the hill a few months ago.... 
"oh woe.."

(theres a huge thesis behind this - years enjoyable LISTENING and weaving .... this just a messy draft for... no one as we know no one cares, really... as the super Z**** does know.... and i am amazed she listened to me and did take it in.... she recalled me from two months ago... because i told HER the truth - but i am interested in NO TRUTH or lies or any deceit after November 2022 ever .... because the last region was all one ever needed to be Rags #2...peraps))