who would have thought....
that 'feeling'
No siobb....
owthefuck dyer spellit
no borders
No differences....
Theaft beforeday
On the cliff, a fine hillow sheltered place
Pondering when the African will join, soulmate....time to stay in the hollow and curl up
And die
( of her.?.)
in the last place ever imaginable,
the last person ever imagined
That ...feeling
Which cuts through every other feeling ever felt
If one has time and space
But it is not the wide open space, required...
It is a rather successful pilgremage into not for one second ever allowing any uvvas bad energy or pained needs, and nutcase needs, and fighty needs and what on earth do they need, ever ever get to ..
any bit of me
It always boils down to that same question.
Nowadays i know you dont even want to know where the beach is, one question may be posed.
If you were on the Dorset sands and came upon one of the holdalls at dawn today...
Would you think of taking it in for 'safe keeping'?.... A million quid of ...
Another life.
The better life is always pure 'n simple. Questions, kill.
No questions to even pose.
Is the meaning, methinks.