Saturday, 7 October 2023

So.... fifty years

 Was it just fifty hours ago....

landloping, erssss....

Her in her sandals, too, meetoo only in my old crocks.... infact as i am up to the thirtieth mile this week, despite Africanitis, definitely the best walking attire is the oldest pair of crocks i have...


" you remember, too.... in the eighties perfect equality - as good as.... as the 22 year old vanloper said to me a week ago her and i ensconced down at the cove displaying pure honour of two in their little worlds respecting each other as pure equals...  ' i don't think there is any difference between man and woman.... ' and in fact the way she described her reaction to being broken into by a couple of blokes proved exactly that....   

 [but what shall be her nickname? Pixie isn't quite right, as she has no pixiness...mermaid coopted, nymph, connotations...]

(mid rit.... ohh fuck me ... what on earth is thisplace.... as if the whole of an adult life came to passover..... in one week...)

(just as we are about to select.....err...)

" .... no one knows why or what she was NOT telling us to think but purest equality....arrived the moment she walked onto that public stage and we knew she was BETTER than all the rest no matter what ....

ten years after

they ....who knows whom,

All i know is environmentalism walking with jolly good low footprints me and the nymph loping to the most absurdly paradise cove ever ... 

Is round about the time they were plotting the first round of .... thats when my towel was made... and it is an 'art' keeping it going this long, even if yeteraft it started a little the fabric of
is an enemy ....
But....... not to ...her... 

Africanitis: those splendid darkies, i read a book - one i could believe, of how the african man middle ageing ...he somehow knows when it is kairos-time to just walk out into the bush.....curl up, and slowly die... he has had his time, and thus let go.... it works!

Half the time I know exactly that way of Being - it is 100% rational and proper and exactly due and timely....  and happily would allow it to come to pass....anyway, bodily, it is where mine is....

And then fuck me up the jaxi with a rather enjoyable gatheration of local writers....  debating writing and walking... even "flaneuring"... the lifeforce peeks up its ugly little head