
Sunday, 29 October 2023

"simple" tales she wished

 Except, hmm......


I knew more than a decade ago, for certain, for


No British born person, especially the many 'alternative', Steiner playgroup type ... green/energyhealer/festivalgoer....ohhh yes i traced it even here on Thursday...Shambala.... 

So interesting i met my only actually honest vanwoman  (13 years) three months ago and shetoo like metoo tells the truth even if me i never needed to gotoo...i just intuited " the one time i went... it was evil, there was a big tent late at night where older men all on heavy harder drugs were clearly just there to be pervy very very pervy with younger men - the types that do circus skills and all of that... didn't you know it was started as a sham pretence lovein fest as a honey trap for those older chaps to lure in the kinky boys... ?"

"nope.... no idea... i never ever trust gossip or others strategic positioning i have to wait until the participants reveal themselves to me  - see for i did fifteen plus years ago.... and now yes i see ven re of their total acedie especially down here..... users one and all... decadent lost sheep no idea what nature and wilderness is for...thattoo became their commodity.... to perpetuate their appetites for .. anything artificial and made up to take their mind off IT!  "

Anyway thats another chapter one day but the hardest thing of all is 10 or more years ago it was obvious NONE of these people ever read any books properly or did anything beyond scanning some webpage or video.... 

But one thing i am not is 'elitist', so i know that despite the BERNHARD PRINCIPLE on the snaps...

   And the same would apply to video....

My own 'balance' is between the knowledge that no one dwells on words on a page, and the video or photo is their wayward appetite - a meal of nothing real...

But to reach maybe just ONE... one has to join in their mode... 

All i know is my wisdom on the art of simplest living is good and i knew that 10 years ago...but could never find a camera holder 

The dichotomy being real country people - real nature lovers never used Fakebook and also are humble and shy

so i gotta hold my own and god i hate that!

But compromise means, a greater purpose.