but i need an even better one, with an ending that's about.... two tangoing. Because when times get weird you REALLY need your allies.
No Britisher can ever ever understand any more....ever..... always some reason why "not..."
(always some insult ... the 'n' word everywhere... "narcissism" is an official important and quite rare medical dsm covered mental disorder, a word perhaps best saved for those actually qualifying for a cell in Broadmoor for some time due ACTUAL bad acts actually evidenced

Only the GREATEST of culture makes us love and laugh with the 'other' - as there never was any other...and the greatest, especially on nutjob 'religious' ideologies making everyone far
Of course 'prejudice' in even the smallest prewatching thought of mine " ... hmmm... no way some backwards Estonian-Georgians can make a movie that shows better than any other the futility of fighting on, so so beautifully..." great to have ones prejudices torn to shreds by some perfect cultural tnt... who knows who fired it....
And.... only a woman had the intellect to investigate how it could have been, absolutely ANYone....
A facebook friend of mine in the old days when we had only a few, and facebook wasnt just for selling... duff opinion for cash..
14 Apr 2013 — Drakulic argues that ordinary men transformed into war criminals gradually through intensifying rhetoric containing a perfect storm of prejudice ...