
Sunday 10 September 2023


 may be a temporary useful 'working' term.....

although yesteraft - a lovelt sunny day, the LAST one of the year... really not only did i look in a window and see all i ever needed to see.. the yummy thin 35 year old in her tie dye worshopping how to 'laugh while paintng' to a load of fat 50 year olds...indoors...when they may actually laugh if running naked around Loe Bar...

and swimming in the water or even in the waves... my my the stalinist in her as she saw me staring in through the open window...

forget her i knew about this years ago....

though in harder times my my the 35 year ol age group service economy who would die if they had to get a job shelf stacking in ...LIDLY especially...

(class - awful English...class... dressed up in Goa garb... as always)

but i care and know one thing..

2015ish Green a bit on the agenda...roam Horrorfordshire and its the exact same usual suspects (they gather as i did to photograph them this May at 'Spring Greens'.. 

Frget their annual suck up to the aristocracy  who lets them in to his 5 mil pad and grounds for one day only so he gets some new faux hippy chix' phone numbers to keep him going another year..

Long ago.. 2005 ... these same old usual suspects we encountered sucking up to the ex junkie new man faux boho with his inherited massive woodlands 10ish mk West of Hereford...

Their p;ayground ex Notting Hill old things ... 

loadsa bangles and latest approved hippy chic 'green' metal jewellery to hide their 50 something wrinkles...


playing at being of the [his] inherited] land... before even yurts became de riguer... (the 5 grand ones made in Kinnersley castle same people, inc)

all seen through years ago:  wrinkly ex London things pretending to still be flower childs in the rich boho woods use to man nor dog [them].

But then as XR became sincerely in the agenda .... and knowing no actual real green goddesses in Herefordshire region..try  'connect' with a few elsewhere who SEEMED more real... network them into my patch maybe even..or at least learn from them....

which is where IT really started - dealing with via Facebook - only time i have tried to use it properly....

in short  - and here we are now in the thick of the true workshop wimmin of the woods...workshoppin all sorts of we are community and 'aware' stuff...

Mainly Devon region....some in SOmerset, well in one word, manners. Sinccerely trying some good communication on the back of national positive messages swirling around at last about REALLY needing to work on ways - culturally..of addressing pollution...


Amazing how not one of the workshopers or workshop providers ever had one manner between them...

just for example to say " sorry... good chat ... but i decided i am too busy to carry this forward or anywehere, farewell good luck..."

Anyway FF 2 years ago...

THE  true era of hilarity begins (like  "this is interesting even if death on two legs")

... loose end, almost given up, everyone weird, still... why not for the first time in life have a go on... (THE place rurally minded people who may wish smallholding life meet up and share mud jokes..)

which it turns out isnt greensingles  its massive conglomerate called 'conscious dating network'... bought by ayank.

Oh well in for a penny in for a pound - about £15....

And as they [like parrots stuck up very dark dead cavernous back passages] parrot... " i shall lean in.." (SINCERELY!)

hahh hahhhhhhhhhh...

It is yoo depressing to chronicle the whole 3 months.... of fully leaning in...

except though we are talking mainly the suppposedly educated, and almost all Yank/Uk ...none could read.

BUt ... to FF to a year later (no dates no friends no humans .. even if tuly useful service provided to a few - one i even helped have assylum in uk for free she running away from usa 'mandates'/... turned out to be con artist even if months of her ashram talk - very convincing..- a year ago.

a year ago.

One woman i had chatted to maybe late 21, Oxfordshire but her past was similar to mine in a way, she had worked for UN as a sort of sometimes refugee worker in camps ... 

... its the worldly UN aspect that was especially a common

she had as i had given up... her living rurally in Oxfordshire....

We had a neutral friendly chat....  similar world outlook but it hadnt been followed through..

SO almost a year later, a year ao i thought maybe send her a message see if she wants a chat...

and i get 

"so so so busy on a Buddhist ultra wareness 'Diamond' course" or something show off like that...

But one morning she has 'time' at dawn walking her dog ....

15 or so minutes chat ... two middle aged worldly people who know the reality of the world (she very aware of false humanitarian performance in her past life)

... reasonably enjoyable ... she too busy to talk for a long time...

And then 10 min later i get this message along lines of " i really know that we are entirely uncompatiable as souls " ... 

Now i must find it as its in fact far more judgemental than that.

Never mind so infantile.

As any adult knows it may take months to even begin to know someone ... i spent 3 months last winter only communicating with one person and every word  mattered  every single nuance i made sure i had time to ponder...and i know nothing of who she needs to be or maybe even 'is'...(though i brilliant listener and objective non melodramatic wait and seer anyway only a few good things are with the rare good things!!)

My point, surely a diamond fuckin mindfulness (i looked em up...very expensive intense workshops)  zen course give you enough depth so as to be 'aware' ehhh.....

.... one cannot know much at all ...  and certainly doesnt 'know' if someone is 'compaitable' until....

even the one (earlier) same workshopitis.. she so so so keen she would go for walks and send 10 whatsap pictures of the styles  she came across  in the Peak District... then all of a sudden she KNOWS something... 

i mean something in the lacuna between two people who are just mere mortals attempting some connection... nope... 

In short surely workshops on soul stuff are to give you depth and philosophy.... and zen...and magnanimity...

Never mind stop absurd infantile jumping o conclusions based on absoltely no communication ...

hilarious how truly they  do not..or none of this soul stuff..actually...  works

Its too depressing to even remember a hilarious very very involved journey among... the workshoppers and workshopping....

I do know they should ask for  refund, or give back the  fees... as against trade descriptions act...

None ever ever ever doing what they claim on the packet... and all are merely consumer... goods'...shame they dont ever do any  ..good...

The only person i care about, is nt the idiot fool enough to is her (it always is) fool enough to try and join in the bandwagon, selling... nothing that 

CAN 'work'...

its all just as much 'transactionalism'...which never is life.