
Sunday 3 September 2023

"over and out"

 I 'get' it...

Now i must go 'back', or forward, into the mode i was always in for years.

To be fair to myself - not that i am stuck or awry, I never thought i would hear the words "UK should be in the Hague before us.."

To be fair to myself, I had not thought of what the South West may actually be.

Though as always in 'modern' UK the complete inability of ANYone to communicate means one is operating - deciding, where to maybe be...on inane kiddult language.

In fact the perfect example is April this spring encountering a van man traveller .. in my old region 

(it is, i cannot go back! a few bridges bombed... or that is what they will say - the provinces in UK despite what Rachel Cusk may write in her novels, allergic to actual truth. But  at least  the last few years it being public knowledge now, one can simply state a fact or two.. " even here [ now 'there'] ... all was pseud, no one ever protected the rivers  - the rivers my lass would paddle in 20+ years ago - pretty clean, almost pristine... minnows nibblin' at her toes... by 2010....nearly all gone.. most rivers the whole Marches region, sterile, dead... "  )

To van man: " do you know any nice easy quiet left-alone park up spots in SW ... maybe around the river Helford ? "

Van man: " ohh yea... whats that little place head of the river....ehhh.... great little park there ...easy... sweet...."

Another big words the cleveratti have thrust in to the public 'conversation' via their non-education in British so called 'universities'  is 'psychogeography'  - or started to a decade, maybe, ago. The funny  thing about all these words, seemingly except for the silliest of them (all unless one is actually referring to a confirmed sadistic physical  torturer of human bodies  which requires  physical evidence they actually committed these real crimes against the body on their way to Broadmoor or the like) seeming to now be a default insult 'narcissistic', is how they come into fashionable use, then a few years later are virtually forgotten.

In short some 20 something Jake (the new versions of the Tom-Pauls Polly and her Garchs...)  who would never ever admit he wants to be on the BBC, after some years of privately dreaming he deserves to be on the BBC, clever-dick manages to push forward one of these newly coined  words into the public domain  somehow and its all very " wow we needed that word all along  what a clever chappie"

When 99% are simply diluting the language and the ideas that any language is founded on. Modern - last few hundred yeas developing, English, developed within a society which was officially the richest the world has ever seen. At the top.... But even as long ago as the early 1800s a wise philosophical voice was coming along and questioning wealth. In my opinion the epitome Mary Ann Evans Queen of it all with her Silas....

More than a fable. The bravest person, ever, in attacking church, aristocracy, bourgeois society from middling to lesser. Basically giving us the new version of a little bible.

And at its heart is pity. A beautiful fable of pity: For all their wealth and social position, the middle classes and up could never be authentic. In fact they dont know what authentic means.  

Molly the mother of Eppie, the nipper Silas adopts, is a truly humble woman  - used by rich society as a plaything, and way before it became fashionable in London, it's extension Cornwall, or almost anywhere in the mad aisle, drugged herself to an early death.

Forget her  -  sadly there are millions who cannot control (THE ONLY WORD THAT MATTERS)    their appetites... and that is appetite for anything unhealthy that is a compulsion - especially nowadays a compulsion to  online performance of someone you are not (as much as an addiction as Molly's junk)

But  i know full well the greatest truth in her biblical rewrite is, pity... the humble man - and all my life i have wondered  in fact, sometimes wished... would it have been better if her character had  been a woman  ?

In short, the psychogeography of her novel is even very hidden away in the hinterlands, a  landscape is dominated by rich people... 

The 'rentier' class to use parlance fashionable a decade ago - rather a good term sadly butterflied onto something else by the Jakes...

But in short ALL the rich class - in fact all of the the top 2/3:  any character in that novel who is not a humble person, who has lost all material goods, his reputation, his life almost .. yet finds only good humble purpose, Mar Ann sets out so beautifully as someone to be either very pitied, or pitied a bit...

and none other than the humble man - no 'vulnerable' wobblehead, just a man who found humble purpose and philosophised how it made him    FEEL good and even be better... has ANY 'happiness'.

And i know that is just as true today.  Thirty years ago there was plenty of parlance in the public conversation around that well known for hundreds of years reality...

But no more ....

I don't think the 'reality' has changed... After all it didn't change between 1850ish and 1990ish... very wise people - ordinary people,  in their books, music especially, and the great TV back then  Reggie Perrin the new bible, made it central to their art- all of it: You cannot haul your poncy yacht with you through the eye of the needle...

Now...i know full well that this whole psychogeography is.... wealth...hidden away, arms brokers wealth...  hidden away rentier class wealth...

And yet the silly van man, never mind someone i thought was intelligent....  could not communicate this.

I hope the latter she at least knows this. Psychogeography does either define who we must be to be in the geography concerned and not go psycho...

Or maybe for a few brave souls like M A E...  gracefully  actually taking a stance openly- and if one has her talent - if the fable is beautiful  honest and straight...  she would be respected for her wisdom  - 'allowed' to speak 'out'...

Thing is this no longer seems to be even understood. I saw into and through the  sad reality of the top 2/3 40 years ago!!  as did plenty of others in this land when it was OK...

In fact in The Suez conflict we rightly had a jolly good punch on the nose from the new Empire- yankee... (refusing to back UK wanting to go shoot some ragheads in the deserts... INTERESTINGLY stating the UN was  not behind such moves ... )...   SO UK was rebalanced for a few decades at least...

Then ...(there is no such thing as 'post modernism') ...  some straightforward lessons centuries, millennia known....   seemed to be forgotten.... thats what the later  90s did - such an evil time... bling is good....  

Being even a slightly wealthier show off... never ever ever makes you happy, healthy or  at peace...

And in fact without those ingredients its impossible to write good books about real things .... that real people if there are any left, need...and have always needed...

I never had a 'home' and never wished one in the UK after i saw the way we illegally  turkey shot retreating Iraqis  in Iraq  (not Kuwait!) late 1990 ish...

If Putin had done what UK did  then, now... world condemnation of war crimes

 (mass murdering retreating soldiers who had obviously GIVEN UP their 'war'... there was only ONE ROAD  up Iraq...either going TO Kuwait...or back home having give up...and those soldiers almost every one a 'conscript' which in Iraq meant " oi... if you dont join up you 16 year old...we will pull your mother's finger nails out... as we shoot her too..")..

That is one thing, but forgetting MS Evans simplest  simple forever relevant fable-  self regard, never mind stuff and even being around show offs with big or fast stuff ... never ever   makes you happy...  

And despite all this 'post modern' showoff newword rich  claptrap... 'happiness' - a very distinct state,  IS obtainable even i was shocked to discover this  4 or 5 years ago....  and one of several  prerequisites, is not having to define oneself by any possession, place or even  role (as online  guru or ...whatever...for example) 

BUt that is too wordy and pious a way of simply stating that less is more, less is everything, Silas found...and my own  last 30 years ..half a life.. have been bit by bit living that

But i don't think anyone gets it...

Nor do they get the simplest science: being in close proximity with one other human body (and parent of a child discovers...when the child is gone for example) 

.. the human touch... regular maybe constant...

Changes us. IS  the ultimate 'BODILY' (positive) thing..... no matter what.

Nope the (little more than) prostitutes of stupid new ideas....  wanting to be cleverer than reality...  will go to their early grave trying to deny... pretty much any 'body' will do...

 Rats, which can be dissected and the bad hormones measured actually in their body, have far more adrenalin and cortisol (and shorter healthy lives) if they live in a solo cage (methinks) .. or box or 'hermitude'...

If they live in a cage with any old bodies snuggled up even at times scrapping over the scraps... their cortisol adrenalin and other (bad) hormones we dont even understand yet...   are far far lesser....


But all a vicious circle to.... breaking every simple rule there ever was.... based on nothing but showoff fancy BULLSHIT that cannot even remember that 200 years ago we knew  the wealthy should be RIGHTLY pittied... they are never happy for real or EVER good to be around..if one wants to be ...happy