
Thursday 7 September 2023

Now...only yesteraft...


did i find out what he is 'for'....

Mister Ralph Schism.

Fuck the 'Mister'.

Even if the one truest sprit was a Mister Ellis...  Ralph....

rarely do i wish to hold on to the 'moment'...

But this will be the last one to Odyssey.... over and out, to....

Because if one had sat there a year ago and said to onesself stupidly: "what really is the best of zenny zenness and  centredness  to discover?"and all those other bullshit words the consumerists of the self ...herding all those 'selves' to some fuckwit version of an Observer colour supplement so out of kilter with the 'times'...its sad

Well.... there is only one tragedy of the last fifty years.... bollocks to the Rambos of the East if they never read the right books or listened to the right songs... and end up squashing the life out of whatever Central European

Bollocks to the self harming consumerist bimbos (not a sexist term having been first coined for male people in QE1's court who spent all their dosh on fancy hair jobs and smelly chemicals) of the 'West' ... if they just watched shit telly and went and all.

Bollocks to the emergent silly curators, of nothing, via their consumerist paradigm of first it was the stuff, then the human spirit and 'personality'  they will herd into  corrals so as to make money from in a dodgy 'service economy'...of mindful 'change' services...  that by definition cannot work for a range of easons.

And in the process of so doing  - because no one can make any MONEY out of believing in simple old stories.... in fact its amazing they havent psychopathologised the good old ...story... as a guide.... a way of tolerating their utter lostness, as i sometimes do.... 'believing' in one particular story from a rather good book... or at least i can never quite get it out of my mind.... and the last laugh is on the devil as i am quite sure he put a boat my way to torture... knowing my (nobel laureate deserved, so not 'mine' mine)  'boat' story has the greatest subversive happy ending of any book ever: " fuckem.... put up the plague flag and lets.... boat off aside the lot of em...forever.."

Anyway, having miraculously established at last a Queen.  A true one. Who can reign, quite  anonymously ... quite without any identification in any way as she is timeless... placeless.... now.

 And she earned her crown! Picked up in COOP... now theres an odyssey ! of a fair few COOP encounters all now pale into nothing! in lieu of at last a simple twist of.... 'fate'? ... but just when i was ready....... maybe that odyssey one day to be rit...

" eeeahhh mister take my number..." Because we had spoken truth.... some weeks ago. Her, so early on in our riff: " hmmmm... a book germinates, the family thing today so so dysfunctional! bloody money thats all this fetid land became about" or words to effect. The only words from an Englishwoman which have had any effect ever... first equal with "Uk should be in the Hague"

Except until lastereve i though a one off bizarre little torture event.... hope hurts especially when one seems forgot as if our chat was some wet dream...

Anyway forget her. 

And i don't really know what to think about one hobby the last three simply most glorious years in history .... which is, or was, quite unwittingly as i really really cannot stand 40-50 year old women.  For 7 years I quite actively crossed the metaphorical street to avoid them...

Hell on earth. Nouveau bimbo consumerist avarice personified behind a mask that isnt a mask any more as it was long ago welded to her face....

The Spice girls have nothing to do with it...  its just  society left with a vacuum since we no longer made vacuum cleaners  bit by bit they created new 'needs'- vacuuming the soul or persona of any 'mess' they see everywhere .... the main one to boss their potential clientele with " you too will need the ADHD diagnosis  charts at 9.99 one day who knows maybe you are 'undiagnosed'  and the kids [you hardly even look at any more ALL so transfixed to their bimbophones even the Natural Store shopaholic ones]  certainly are going to need our party time megga funpack of ...labels....".. precursor: design... all must be designed to some twat architectural scheme (as my father was one, any sane person knows architects as is well known are as bad as alcoholics...  such stupid self belief... absolute  total conceit...and messianic utopianism in one... it NEVER ends well if one goes architect.... basically because society - even small owns, cannot possibly afford to redesign everything in accordance with their grand new plan for improving the human soul - all architects  have as shard of glass stuck in their trendy barefeet... so they are in fact not only destined to total failure excepting sucking up to some wealthy elite who may occasionally let their imagination run to its fullest extent, bt of course end up extremely bitchy-competitive as there is so little actual 'work' to go around.. 

So in short years...decades of a sales force (who would never for a second consider themelves doing anything so low as 'selling' their 'services' ... )  selling dreams and popcorn because they dont have to go work on a farm or in a factory any more...

I am not judging. Except i am ...aware.... that all of 'it' ... via my  utterly unplanned new hobby the last three years , of collecting splendid 'different'  free thinking, truth speaking... even a little subversive... 40-45 year olds....

Its all so utterly wonderful how truly headfucked they are....and i  sift anyone in my life for booze, drugs, and other guaranteed wonkiness enhancing habits:  'consumerism'  and do they watch crap telly, or good intelligent films and like intelligent songs or/and books. Not  elitist, simply  words that explore the many century project a little further: universal human rights ... or if one has been cynically perverted by the new Libertarians (all of whom are intellectual pipsqueeks and frankly useless rhetoricians)  not 'rights' just simply knowing that good humanist thought leads rightly to everyone being valued as equally deserving a semblance of psychological health most of the time. Even if its the atom bombs into the soul that ACTUALLY 'grow' us.... no wellness or workshopping babe can make money from so they underplay that ACTUAL workshopping that works...

And where do we end up? ... for intellectual explorative reasons i the opening sequence is hilarious for real... but then, though often funny, i know ehhh.... just another extension - maybe the ultimate extension of consumerism into 'self determination' and a less bimbo 'image'.... 

Anyway another day - now there is a Queen in sight, a true one... i am 'bolstered'....a bit...

And all i know is there s only one tragedy the last fifty years.... that shouldn't have happened... really really symbolises something 'wrong'...  And it's obvious that it was more than just the 'drugs' that got her, physically....

Item: there was once a perfect being. All the rest of stupid tradition and sky fairy nonsense, and battles and crusades and all of it perfectly ended  in one   the ONLY true modern humanist performance ever...

Fag in 'and....

THE 'beginning' ... she nailed it even if film taken later on....  there is no confection you cannot fake being only at ease in modernity EXACTLY how it should be...

And then she doggone went and died so absurdly young...

ONLY actual 'tragedy' i know of in my adult lifetime.  All others a s result of some or other vanity.  Or arrogance or....whatever.

Thing is and to me this is ONLY an opportunity to .... find a 'solution'... even a FIX!

(15 years of every single English woman  - all of the cabal.i ever meet, the second one even hints at an exterior 'fix' they go into hateful  bossocracy  overdrive as they know no one ever ever can be fixed and its against their human rights even to hing they may be fixable.... unless of course one signs up for their little special caring mentoring coursy...crap... )

Don't get me wrong, i NEVER nowadays have anything to do with ANY English man... even  the few with some humanities style philosophical education  as of 5is years ago to a man descended into the utterly made up world of " i found this fine brave voice on the internet describing how mind control works/ what kind of tanks Russians dont have we saw in a video/   how the Masons/illuminati/ Farages pet lizzard got to every single person in the EU... when in fact theyve only ever been there on holidays many years ago never mind actually learned the better art of actual 'loving' the physical, from European actual women who werent brought up sucking a Maiden's tit only filled with a Ice... 

All every single English man lost it years ago... well, 5....

However (lots and lots to fill in.... just skipping ahead)

Almost (if i could 'weave' it in i shall one day)

Ones whole last 20 years.... yes being NOTHING.... being aside and not 'learning' to be nothing, because you don't learn off any notion anyone else may educate you with ... or rarely.

Years and years of being nothing and learning that if one were to even hint in a borderlands asude region one is 'something' ....does not go down well. In fact is rightly pointed out as mentally ill....

Is so so good for the mental health.... as is learning REAL 'communication' is above all 100% meaning what you say, nod, or even with body language acceded to as a a "maybe"....

But then 20 years ago... and gradually over the last 10 especially, being aware that just like in respect of the Blue Helmets we saw and felt some hope as they  bravely bobbed around Sarajevo, the other important in fact key aspect of modern society is a jolly well respected ACLU system.... 

Whilst in USA they had the actual ACLU, in UK there were various woolly  mirror images which to some extent provided the same function - focusing the citizen into taking legal action against big power/ money whatever....

And as far as i know thats about the only balance there has been for decades to spivvy spin addicted corporate and establishment selfishness...

"take a case" ...

And though Taibbi has never impressed me they so so make it about their SCREENS ... as if Twitter really matters - himself he admitted it took weeks to even perceive any pattern  of naughtiness, to at last (just as similar conversations the last few years about the UN)  hear some trendy youngsters mentioning how the ACLU just dropped out of the thing...

is ALL one can say... 

Entirely forget forever outside 'society'... its nuts...and there isn't much hope....

And i never did lose myself to the ridiculous online masturbatory world of 'conspiracy'... only facts like "no more ACLU " interest me....  and the likes of McGilchrist would be doing the world a favour if rather than going on about frankly bs we cannot change much based on 'science' that is not really conclusive...

He would focus on  if you want a saner society start up a local ACLU as its a key part of the weave ...anywere"

But no, conumerism, morphed into DEFINING onesself (being better than others - rising above the Jones next door)  by allying with McGilchrist on the Tube...rather than creating allies to form a local ACU....

Which I years ago knew was MY 'failing' to have actually studied properly what communitarianism is or 'egalitarianism'...its not just fancy spin and wonderful film recommendations such as Land of The Blind its remembering that the dull dull dull work of  bolstering or even leading a few who may follow through with an ACLU...knowing it to be the ONLY real longterm answer to greedy or unfair use of powers....anywhere....

Have a CULTURE  - a tradition of volunteer legal assistance, even ordinary people understand is there for that .... even Mr Jones next door when they have a go at him...

And avoiding that i realised is as effete and daft as not meaning what you say in a region  - maybe i come from somewehere that doesnt exist any more a REAL society that doesnt exist ... one of mean what you say... dull ACLU rich society is a richer REAL 'community'...

And that also was my own journey ...a hard one - to take that in at least even if almost no one ever DID anthing in UK to foster that culture....i did TRY.... rather a lot as it appens...

give up

yesteraft the big give up day... the true last 1% of the schism.... the kairos arrived.

But these are rather fey  - much better ones a little earlier in the day...

soon maybe

Except... few days earlier i gave up something far far more 'symbolic' ... and stories... time to deploy my last weapon which will fail...

are there to leave a shimmering dreamy impression in the minds eye of one or other symbolic scenes... that maybe sum 'it' all up.

There is one
A few days ago.