
Friday 8 September 2023

katrina the missing bits

 ... 'it' ...

That time....

....has nothing to do with 10 years later

except the funny thing is, someone who had committed the same technical 'crime' as me, ( and no loopholes, an international journey with a kid when at odds with the other parent is technically that 'crime', no iffs, no buts) would never even be told she was a baddie, in fact i knew she wasn't in any way a baddie.  Then. Now. Was the best person by far i had ever known to that point. And it wasn't rose coloured specs.... nope, every mother  i knew of many  after her simply wasn't quite as  superb a parent she was, who somehow taught me that with kids its ONLY about  

This moment now. 

Whatever lead up to any  troubling point before this moment now, it is only how we respond and relate to them in the next new moment...bolster them... show proportionate loving guidance and some kind judgement even.... but be the best of human, this new moment, that may define all the rest of their life.

Shame that bestvof Being, didnt apply to almost every adult i have known... especially the last 5 or so years

note to self. listen again to the whole waffle and it wont be hard, all so seared in the brain... missed bits!