Sunday, 24 September 2023


 I wasn't planning it, and didn't 'need' it, but now the autumn settles in, and the hype of a seaside summer abates - even if i am world expert at being 


 the seaside hype or any hype. Ever!

In fact although it could be absolutely ANYwhere 

 though in the case of this particular 'where' I had no idea it was quite like this

So intense; so judgemental. Simply, as if a suburb - suburban needs to be somehow noticed EVERYwhere... 

Noticed by fancy sunglasses

by being on the silly phone noticing other things, not here and now i the present.

Hardly anyone wearing ANY 'ordinary' clothing. 

Myself for all my life i have only worn only ordinary clothing - simple, durable; darker colours as they go longer between washes - any 'environmentalist' minded person knew so fourty years ago; clothing NOT to ever be noticed and the last 5 or so years only taking to the hat to cover my one vanity that middle age baldilocks...

  and the few months in my 20s when i  succumbed to a Kings Rd Reiss habit... I never even wore the fancier shirts  'comfort' shopped, because i knew before i even got the fine new designer bags home, i was seeking to be what i knew not to be, as i was temporarily utterly lost at sea.

(though an environmentally inclined peep would never dump them at sea in angsty disgust - i still have them all and there is NOTHING better for the soul than winking at mine as i nowadays slip into my  once latest Reisshop fashion shirt  left boxed for 30 years until as sure as ferrets are ferrets ones circumstances reduce and i am grateful for my  youthful errant phase, as fair dinkum they were well made such that they now go for a few years at least ... nowadays not at all standing out as some desperate 'need' to self express...or whatever the latest silly words are for showing bourgeois status...

Indeed - although this, the first photograph in this 'identity' (photostore) - penname...i like him...

Is about something -  as i put it up 2020 or was it 21....i would not at that time even dare for a second sharing with anyone even a helpmeet "watching my back"  because its about ...MAYBE day... i will be FREE to  ramble on somehow both geographically and spiritually and actually name the mad - it can be nothing else, mad family who  brutally buried alive with diggers a huge badger set July 2020  WITH the cubs still down below... It is about how i KNEW i had some responsibility to do SOMEting... even if one day it would be to share it - my many photographs of that disgusting cruel crime, and some film.... and stories of the aftermath, with a good pictorial artist who maybe might  somehow create some beautiful painting to somehow almost engender some real 'justice' for the beautiful wild animals bothering absolutely no one,  high up in their 'sanctuary' set in the hills, and the regional top guns (i mean main real  'soft' 'power') of Extinction Rebellion  (and regional senior church warden and spokesperson and writer for the church times! about pious self righteous i-am-perfect stuff) actually own the land where knowingly these protected wild animals are snuffed out in perhaps the most cruel and dastardly manner... i wonder how long it took  mumbrock and dadbrock and cubs huddled together  - no way to dig out, exists filled in (efficiently i noticed and photod later on - fallen wood placed over the filled in LARGE holes so that no passing rambler would notice the crimes

So, 35 year old Reiss shirt (i was so embarrassed at the time having even thought i may ever wear such impractical showoff shirtage even outdoors) happily brought into service maybe 7 or 8 years ago of shirts getting a bit tatty and ragged and somehow there was  such a sense of satisfaction in doing so knowing that even my old once sillysef was now not being wasted...

But of course  - this photograph was still taken - staged (i never do that) in a sense of fear... knowing i would never have the  guts to make my point never mind share the names... because NO ONE CAN EVER BE TRSTED..... TRUST... there are simplest 'lines' extent, since power and wealth and ownership were invented  - the owners will get  greedier and  will go a bit mad...

So one needs totally trusted ALLIES among the nonowner class with whom one may at least be able to share " look...i will never tell anyone else its just too risky.... his contractors jcbd those cubs to a slow lingering death huddled underground... maybe weeks it took them to stave to death if they had by chance a little air circulating still.... they will be ignorant bullnecks and if even one word ever reached anyone maybe in their local pub, kids school.... someone saw it all AND photographed it many a day afterwards even as an 'art' project'.. they will assume arrest and clink and thus will hurt me.....  so even if i will probably never tell anyone else his and hers name ... [ if they dont own one, they are archetype - spitting image and behaviour and way of being, of every so so so 'nice' middle class or upper mid, rich couple owning a coastal getaway cottage or house i have seen...] at least i have you to share it with and know that no matter WHAT ever happens between us you would understand that line - why it is essential for my lifelong safety, and that you will never ever utter a hint  i saw, knew whom and where... no one else i have ever hinted at the whom and even where!"

But then ... all i have really discovered three Britisher ever ever ever even knows what that

In which case all nonsense talk of even "bodily justice", is i am sorry fairy talk...

Before we have such clever workshopping words like "bodily justice"  - sadly and the utterer of those words i am surprised she for one would not understand...from a bloody war zone!

There are TWO sides.... always. Be... Be very careful in life. Because only arrogant fools assume they can bridge both sides of the cavern.

In fact it is interesting how the CONSUME HARDLY ANYTHING message 25% almost adhered to, and 75% of people knew very well was sane,  in britain when it was one of the most advanced societies in the world has become the new battle ground...

'light footprint' living was old hat even in the 80s!

But i shall return to that   And why all the modern day proponents are pathetically inadequate in that sUper simplifying leaves time and energy for living FAR more richly... and no one ever these days seems to be able to ram that home as item one!

None of these items are required in any way for ordinary life:

Any dull coloured  durable clothing not from a charity shop 

sunglasses - from the £1 shop variety to the £100 variety it seems virtually everyone wishes anyone walking in the opposite direction to assume they are....even if sunglasses only prove how uneducated the wearer is in that there has been clearcut science for years proving that we mess with the UV sensory systems in the back of our eyes and all sorts of necessary BODILY systems are fucked with and some of these systems such as maybe routine automatic protection against cancers.... we do not yet even begin to understand... but there is one FACT: nature/evolution is pretty clever and 100s of thousands of years ago was evolving clever fixes to things like cancer or maybe even things like 'anxiety' and being sad....and not sleeping when nature REQUIRES! ...   and  clever old nature will have  created all sorts of clever self regulation systems .... some which we may never understand.... and one of the main 'markers' - a scientific term of sorts, is that systems ebb and flow dependent on measured ambient UV (and also likely IR) and ANY  change that alters the phenotype (evolved genetic state PLUS variable environmental factors - in this case reducing or changing the kind of UV/ IR measured in the eye - CHANGING those  from levels we have experienced ALL our millions of years of evolution, to a completely new  range by dint of being 'filtered' by coloured bits of plastic  )

...will have consequences it may take decades to even notice.... never mind understand. And ANYthing that works against the naturally millions-of-years evolved state, is always....bad.

i.e. at last for a decade a fair few parents have at LAST listened, even if it was known 30 years ago by science: "want a HEALTHY child, that lives longer than [modern] average.?... it should eat dirt for at least the first year or so of its life....   because loads of pathogens when young TUNES UP the 'immune system'. And in fact that is incorect word usage. The immune system IS [designed by evolution] to ONLY be at optimum after a few early years learning what it needs to architecturally incorporate to be a fully functional 'immune' sytsem...

 Or simply put: very few dirty things in gob... you dont really have an 'immune' system as the ocd sterile human due to a cultural construct [ defiately a con this one] of cleanliness=godliness,   has stuck a huge spanner in the cogs and levers that ARE the immune system...


showoff plastic WALKING STICKS (my god as if some magic potion has been invented.... series to come, on ....ehhh maybe not...)

 showoff vehicles

ANY tattoos

And now everywhere showoff dogs and £50+ dog harnesses, £100+ designer dog jackets even in August which last time i looked was still summer,  or even better many 100£ dog prams, or other ESSENTIAL 

And thats just the start of my list...i OBSERVED (Barbie ! i hope you wont mind that nickname - ALL that matters is in fact in the second photo...)

(to be cont...)

second photo though last in the photostore...

Now one day maybe i shall have the poise and grace to get just the right few lovely sentences around this dastardly matter of 'judgement'. 
(my own wanderings for 5+ years have shown one thing above all: the maybe 50 and belows - even those whom seem to have a fairly ok philosophical education...... they  cannot deal at all with the idea of judgement. Or choosing.....or straight forward versions of who we ARE!!
(and i am the god of actual, real, change... my whole life changed forever in one hour when i was age 29 ... 1992ish.... see katrina 92... and never ever can be anything else....)

Anyway all my reading life i have rather judged Jacobson a really not very good writer

Tried his books - something forced and a bit wonky

And then over the years he becomes a  luvvie pundit....
I rightly judge to be so bourgeois and unable to REALLY think whats going on... (simply 30 years of ultra consumerism and that includes the last 15 ish years of the consumerism being any image - presenting ANY image in a bulimic feast as dangerous as any bulimia to PROVE "I AM DIFFERENT!" ... just like bulimia, an actual psychotic issue.... consuming  religious practice, spiritual ism... healing.... body work of all types.... to PROVE something...performing ones ability to afford the new hobby, danceclass, spiritual bullshit class, type of vehicle or live in van or boat or whatever......or book... etc etc etc.... [full essay in notes several weeks ...soon]

I judge him fankly not that bright... not that observant..

But then out of the blue old Howard does come good at the final hurdle...
this morning.

I would never listen again to any Howard Jacobson nor anyone on a bad unfunny 'postmodern' British TVstar too stupid to have grown out of booze and drugs by about 25...

But he gets it bang on:

either you are an observer of people ...aside....and some of that quite small subset are able to write well
And ONLY good writing matters longrun

one of the masses - herds of sheep...

In fact his rather silly ramble on  a non event

 can be summed up in one truly important line he reminded me of
Be who you are... 

And if you are in the minority who eels driven to write something, even if its hard, even if poorly esteemed about ability with the language...

THAT is who you ARE
Be no one else.

So my many year adjudged almost worst of them all Mister Jacobson, comes up at last with what i KNOW to be the best ever bit of wisdom... i havent heard many others simplify it so well as he has today...

So, the other lesson of course is never write anyone off as having no use to you 

Having NEVER heard anyone mention Stendhal.... and for the interesting (unique in fact)  younger woman spent all day with me telling me how she needs to write about her dad
the "class of civilisations"

The proof - my own proof, of schism and PEACE. Years  - at least 7, i have had Scarlet and Black out, Bernhard recommending it as one of the true revolutionary pieces of literature....and i trust Mister Bernhard! maybe alone

But for some reason couldnt quite get into it.... until a few weeks ago - in fact even more rarely started the first half a dozen chapters in June but i wavered ...ground to a bit of a halt

But once again the last few weeks i am in the flow

And its truly truly gorgeous!!!
Better than Bovary

But if anyone needs proof - 'twas ever thus...

Just a tale of so so bourgeois obsessed bling, status, assumption, and Tom Pauls and Polly Garchs.... 

Bling, stuff, material... ism and consumerism and what people do to trick the others that  they have higher 'status' - or do to try and shut people up who see through their hustling, schemes, lies and PR is  simply gorgeous....simple; no tangents....
And nothing has changed, one  bit