
Wednesday 6 September 2023

I have no 'interest' in the South West...

 Though what is interesting - about the reality of contemporary  society, has almost magically 'come together' over the last few months, here. And is a rather good 'energy' reminder: Be aside. Shut up - there's no hope...false hope causes an early miserable death. Proceeded by some years of sourness. 

Fait accompli! :-) = know what it all is, and accept it. Doesn't mean one likes it! 

My old region became over the years - especially the last decade, a playground. A theme park for the ex Londoners and other wealthy noders, performing some rural fantasy... 

For those who actually understand the rhythms and ways of real rural - not being stressed or angsty - being aside all that which takes years or resetting, nevertheless there is a real focus that may be of 'woe', and it is time. And it Being...wasted. 

Not in a yuppy Southerner way of "I am a Mistress of The Universe and what I say is THE way and god forbid you if with your not-me ways you cling to defy me..and waste my time - [or rather energy]"

Nope, in a rather human real way: Time is limited; work on the problems nature throws up at us needs doing... things need fixing, wood needs preserving... places where nature can be assisted to thrive despite 'orrid humans  need figuring and even leaving places alone takes time and energy.

And thus any investment in time and energy in someone who seemingly wishes to live authentically more in tune with such actual rural  rhythms and a simpler foundational ethos in life, one really notices. One has time to notice. Each such investment one may remember for decades. We are not butterflies. and any seemingly useful ally who butterflies off as that's all she ever knew ow to do - because that's what city ways are...lets be honest.... the rural person does deeply lament.

This more than anything is THE big change that has taken place in the places away from cities and larger towns - the ex city people colonised and they simply cannot know how precious time and energy is to those who chose to try and make a real life (NOT based on city money and that includes therapising the incomer locals who can only afford to be therapised as they still   live on their past city money) ...its fragile. Every diversion into some new ally matters and is noticed...

But the city butterfly ...well that was her earlier life and sadly i know no one who could admit they did not change...

So they simply all ARE the theme park (as the Cornish woman put in her Front Row talk in February earlier this year  - her allowed to say "and Foulmouth is a complete theme park" Being young and not really educated in the world she missed the rest of the place it should have been "ALL the SW a playground for those safely 'investing' their city money on fantasy 'rural' lifestyle when they have absolutely no idea what year in and year out  - no visits back to the city, rural life is.."

In other words so much of Southern and Western UK especially after 2016 then redoubling after 2020 became nowadays even youger people playing out a fantasy: they are somehow now nice and homely as they have a cottage in the countryside.  When in fact they have never taken an hour, never mind the years it really takes, to figure THEIR relation to actual real simpler rural existence.

Which could be story summed-up in a 100 ways. WAS - is 'schism'. And i will one day.  Not that there is any point. I don't do 'hiraeth'  - hiraeth is wallowing self pity from failure. Saudade is hiraeth+ saudade is defined also as: " it isn't finished yet" And the reason there is no point is that theme parkery breeds ONLY arrogance.

Only a very arrogant group of younger people -   30s...i heard them speaking as i dozed off at a new little site - all full of their new chummy bohemian nice-person countryside life ... as they have either  had an inheritence or their bloke has or they sold up their profit share corporatemonster shares and come here and recreate themselves out of the Glastonbury festival  brochure  - the fakest piece of waste paper on the planet - though first equal with " Hay-on-Wye is the Woodstock of the mind" PR fakery   

I was a young man who grew up in nature and became a slightly hoodlumish young adult there ...we would head to the hills in our cars for beer and, at times with some friends,  spliffs. We were not anything special... we were from comprehensive school. Some of us did have access to the true oldschool 'hippy' mindset... that was fine and truly equalicist.

All vey well. But not one of us would have sat anywhere out at night under the starts putting the world to rights....

And dream of leaving our fuking litter behind for someone else to tidy up

And i know full well that every single one of these craft beer bottle vandals will be totally signed up as supporter of trendy inane 'surfers against sewerage'...

Simply arrogant nonsense in the ultimate theme park of selfish self obsessed ex city people - as thats what ex city people are....

SO forget all of them....every single one....I am not the fanatic - they are to think it is real to hold on to that arrogance...

Which is an inadequate way of putting something that has defined y own last decade - their arrogance, and i pity them, the way they an only express it butterflying around everywhere... pissing little droplets acid urine...

To be continued


  Meanwhile even if a very very long term project i adore and must stick to.... the truest zen 

 metaphor really as to them

How over 15  or more years the butterflies waste so so so much time and energy... to not get acid eaten up by them and angry or lose zen even if every single wasted minute for decdes i remember as every single one DID matter 

 I found zen and silver lining - true - in each reduction of my capacity to... be of their world...despite them. And love every nett result - each simplification has deep usefulness within...

Though a necessarily short video cannot capture the quiet REAL bodily strength that arises every time.... i win! in the battle of them stealing my time...


go with the flow...of the weather....