
Sunday 27 August 2023

Slavenka..... "it is just a piece of art"


I disagree.

For seven years i have often gently 'interrogated' the visual artists...

A soldier on a death bed. Another Malkinson in a death spiral of injustice. (yet another why Britain should be in the Hague)

Someone bullied or ostracised by a "community"; none have pictorial works of art ringing through their minds as succor or something to hold on believing in.  People only turn to the WRITTEN word ...when they really need a primal scream. No one has Munch i their mind when they feel like a primal scream or just  need some attempt at understanding...

And wonder what on earth it was / is all for...

WORDS...books... stories.... 

Are a different thing. Above "art"...and anyone that calls their words "art" is Miss Guided by the worst load of effete shallow ... ...

No not 'excuse for artists' because art is meant to take you to some conversation with REAL life...

Go down a  line from Shrewsbury Hereford Bristol into The South West.... ironically where the South East escapees came to paint their pictures, and what do you have? Far far more homelessness, drugtaking and mental illness than ever before....

And what do the smug fancy figurative artists even have to 'say'...

Nothing, Ever, and when one goes around as i have just curious for some years, asking them what their art may 'say'...

All i ever here is cowardly wank.... because there are no artists in any of these places, merely post card painters....

But i have never encountered such a growing band  f so many with nothing to say.

 They 'say'  - if one quizzes them  quietly the ten grand paintings or sketches run out of the door, the five hundred quid items nothing like as fast... if they sell at all.

Which is a product ONLY of politics - allowing the rich to get far richer than ever before (recent pay scale data states) and yet they have nothing to 'say' about anything....

which is  merely a continuation of fin de ciecle decadence... extreme...

If i know only one thing it is that the written word is not 'art' if the most flaky lost dull repetitive picture painters are 'art' then no one who attempts to paint a picture with words not of a pleasing tourist snapshot.... but of something real such as blood between a womans legs....should not for a millisecond wish to be associated with this word that has only become a cynical nothing..

And i bet Slavenka saw that too ... They Would Never Hurt a Fly but..... 

They did.  Maybe because they ad nothing to bind them together - no purpose... nothing to search for and i am losing any focus in these words because thats the POINT... no art to make me THINK or believe in anything...especially that any artist i ever meet  has even one tightrope thread of a belief in ever saying anything useful to society

Dead ...effete...finished ... 

And when there is no art to lift us loftily.... then there is nothing to politick ..for...

But i know one thing... surrounded by people who decadently do not believe in their art ACTUALLY reaching some written words can,  no writer can ever expect to find their  authentic brave let-go voice  here

But i knew there was a problem before i came.... it is funny how simple a problem it is. But theme parks always kill anything real and liminal.... and when a very fancy artist  - who teaches children too, doesnt know what THE arty word liminal got NO hope - the  "everyone feels their own lovely unique vibe" tyrannists won...