The 'end' of the chrony times..
Only because of a wonderful sleep catch up - just ten minutes behind the ideal for maybe a few weeks... and the duff weather - use the duff weather, if it has been used to catch up on restfulness, first... kairos time: Though long percolataing in the back of the old mind... wasn't going to. But then...
'purpose'... i must get that audio out from seven months ago...
I don't wish to repurpose it, but I am bored not getting on with it. As for severalyears i am sure it is the most utilitarian (maximum bang for buck for maximum amount of folks from fatties to moaners - though i doubt one could reach the pandemic of gawpers...)
Off we go...tally ho...
Even this is the end point, it is also the starting point, of freedom - ultimate... if one were to reveal ones moist truly BODILY hurting embarrassing 'secret'... wait until one is ready to attempt to use it for a fable .. that may have some utilitarian others... maybe...who knows. I know that NOT knowing in any way if anyone may look, be curious, find useful....
SO just do it.
As yet messy and bad production values...
But time to say the say.
But before the REST OF LIFE (substack is so so gold seal now - all the bigwigs started to move to it for the last few years..).. 'identity' ... 'platform'... one stop shop..
(and if i ever get a comment i may read it, only there)
Terms and conditions: typical of the 'meditation' gang Sam Harris has so much zen i signed up and applied by a one line declaration to the "you will always be able to listen to my site for free just ask" a year ago... and what do you know come 'renewal''s changed...not quite so simply always free...
say what you mean mean what you say... the most famous 'public philosopher' in the world or one of the top 5 ...cannot quite keep to that, if you ask me fundamental commandment of humanism..or metafizzeration too if you ask me...unless the devil is in chatrge..
right as usaual these 'platforms' so absurdly show off and compliocated...if i can be bothered i shall work out how a 'subscription' works. Suffice to say that once one has experimented with the 'subscription'model that does not make it clear if an audio can be uploaded that is guranteed free...
so.. never trust yanks - thats the point of America, has been 200 years.. long as i remember ALL content will be uploaded in two formats - as audio file to a google (free) drive store... m4a which can easily be changed to mp3 if need be,
and also to the substack site which i have set to minimum 'subscription' setting $5/month ...however i do not intend charging it implies one can upload stuff that is free to all??
Anyway you can never trust thenm anyway to not change way in later the simple life is never trust any bugger and always have ones OWN control... knowing what one wants.
A free download..
and if someone is idiot enough to get their credit card out, a paid OPTION... but in one simple trms... do or dont
i dont care.
In fact would be far far less bodily happily dashing here and there if suddenly monthly wages started to comer in (though i do have SOME interesting info... 7 years wife with EU passport wanted... its not like that would be the first time people did such things for travel... ww2 ..half the last century people were making all sorts of marriage of convenience arrangements...not bloody fair i was working FOR the EU in the EU... when my lassie sired...or shortly before...
ALWAYS - a fee file upload and a chuck some in the hat if you want... version
though i would prefer audios were listened to on substack as essays - loads i have over the years...MAY get more traction if some audios are listened too also... all will always be free.
IF...only IF... one of a few asked wish to work on a collaboration of a book and some film on (working title) purpose - only because i know good purpose (shared with another one may, also feel it for...sometimes...) is as good as love...
references - i cannot even remember what the waffle was but 18 months ago started practicing... but was just not yet in the perfect decompressed now
But i do remeber it was real...a bit knife edge real...
In fact i do find one thing interesting: althopugh the SW has a proportion of extraordinarily sour people - that ALWAYS happens when you have tourism dominating... there is less of an undercurrent of latent pretty nasty " i hurt you for not being like us... super Titley bourgeoisie..making money from PROPERTY..."
of little interest specifically...but in the 'pupose' working title audio series as i wander that include simple "what on earth is this sceptic aisle..? " sections...a silly land that financialised the sure part of it...even USA didnt start that full on until a decade and a half ago...
And my father was one of a few dozen whostarted it.... I AM NOT A DAMAGED SILVER SPOONER...i dropped out TOTALLY age 13ish...local comp and total inheritance nothing...
In fact amusingly i don't think i quite realised how OBVIOUSLY against my parents (set is the key work..clique) of so so elegant uppity middle class made good via pretending to like modern culture..
social mores i was threat other words they always disdained... long long ago got used to..
But i do have a fairly interesting BOTH SIDES perspective..
BUt i am only interested in what that said a way of weaving in who was a dad she was traumatised against 13 years ago...saves me two jobs... kill two with one chuck of...
because what i share is nothing.... but i also know unique. If shareworthy, ( by the viewer) i care i know exactly what i do with the rest of my life... viral viewing or one... makes no dif
Beginning of full r3evamp underway BUT 'posts' the last 3 weeks still not complete....will be soon. Start at the end. The beginning, and then work back fully.