
Tuesday 22 August 2023


Now... this is the one thing above all i have learned or rather to my shock ... learned to do...and i wish i knew IF others could....

a18 months ago i had to give her hell... rightly (as described in bottom audio) 

but... i ...built the bridge back....

no one else...and why bother: because the price of living in very sparsely populated areas like my last one is you need ANY useful person even if only a BIT of them is useful... to make ANY good purpose have a chance of working... 

tell them their utter tosser attributes too their face and wait.... maybe one day a USEFUL aspect of them can be BOLSTERED...and never ever take anything to heart or personally.... especially after 2020

And we have good chats... i

She knows about the dogs too....she said "mainly women" ...but that is only an aside... she wavers doing her GREAT project - a large real new arts centre to attack the failed woke self pitying  failed bad art....

she wavers....because she doesnt have someone around her kitchen table  as her helpmeet moral support for a great project...

But if you had heard her 18 months ago... 

there are NO enemies.... only phases when some get stuck...ALL can be bridged (the most utterly prideful princessy woman ever but... you need the spirited no matter what they voted...) 

THIS....THIS...not the fake 'listening'...or weak a RELATIONSHIP..... not a controlled fake version - real - grown up... full of differences going through hell...and retreat but gathering again reorganised breath caught....looking for crossovers ..synergy in what may WORK...

WE WENT THROUGH HELL...from her 18 months truly throwing around broken glass .... Millie Mitty.... a danger..... but she has found a calling now and MUST be suported as its ETHICAL...

hate the sin not the sinner and when the sinner pulls her socks up.... help her put her walking boots back on and kick some ass!

(the safe mundane anodyne arts establishment ruined the Marches as it does The South West...ONLY great new art can save society now.... maybe she can make it happen)


In November last year i made an audio - "purpose"..what could Be... what may be others...

. all i have known from then til now... has not changed

here it is again

Purpose book 3 chapter 8 epilogue. Goes with further audio in post, and video, on 22 august 2023

 but here is a crossover - it riffs on the above - explains the phone call recording... describes the bridge...

THE END!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!