Thursday, 3 August 2023

purpose ep 3 +4a + 4b audio

This....but especially this today (three 'episodes ' uploaded to substack..)

Will not make sense until this page is finished as there are 5 or 6 video segments to weave in meaning 10 min video waffle that then continues onto audio then back to video... ALL TO BE ADDED HERE LATER as battery power allows...

plus some photos. 

All won't be even half sane until tomorrow morning or lunchtime...

Because today from dawn...with not brilliant weather, most unusually as work life balance is all that matters...a ten hour non stop...splurge.

All or nothing...

And i full well know that there is waffle on topics that others do not have the brains or balls to actually say.

"hashtags" - i find them so ugly i can hardly bring myself to type the word never mind bother to add any in...yet...

why rusell Brand, Sam Harris, Jordan Peterson,  Douglas Murray, especially (ULTIMATE TYPE 2 Tom-Paul to be,,, one day...if he cons enough sad men to be herded onto his worst wisdom courses ever - and yes there is something subtly 'homo'erotic' by their worship of Peterson et al..when all of them are so vapidly, THICK.. ) oh yes i forgot to list him David Fuller if 'Rebel Wisdom'.... effective genocidres 'Trigonometry'as anyone cheering on Ukraine is causing far far more medium term death and destruction - those two children do not talk of the REAL excellent diplomacy attempted in Yugoslavia..

And Meghan Daum - hashtag her not that one expects even a decent correspondence with any Yank as its all bluster for only money - but showing how poor even her anti 'woke' and 'culture wars' rationale has been....sadly...  

further hashtags : the absolute industrial con of Central European shamanic hocus pocus  'embodiment'... a plague of them...(put into historical context) with evidence to add in also, soon...

Oh yes and a few videos were uploaded yesterday...i havent quite girded my loins to press fully publish..

But i know no one else has told such tragic but still elegantish ..but nationally newsworthy ...very very sad, truths...

And other hashtags to come.... soon... half set up by lunchtime tomorrow...unless it is a very sunny morning in which case i have better things to do...especially as this is a LONG TERM project...

I wasn't planning to have wonderful energy the last 6 weeks such as my memoirs are fun...maybe even alive and engaging... but i do have that energy by some shamanic weird twist of her is now half done! The groovy half...

But i cannot be bothered to set a substack waffle to 'schedule publication' and check it works...nope chuck it all out now but the present format is not that  which in a few weeks more artful final woven together bundle of something to keep you warm in the winter

Unless - though such a sad little side issue you are a Steve Windwood i was all my life - Mister Humble..still top 10 ..Can't find my way home.... not showing off... but someone said to me... many trust, how even he baited badgers for fun...

hate the sin but the sinner was rather false in image me is every person i have ever known in UK for at least two decades...more really (maybe except the brown fatman - time we have a pic of him methinks even if his acedia is ...well...sums it all up)

 but putting that recording up - of his (decade long close)  colleague, would be cheap clickbait - i am not in that business. In fact i do not hashtag push out anything ever - except only to a few specific people i would love just to sort themselves out and JOIN in ... 

 DONT EVEN LISTEN...yet as the rest of the context needs to be stuck here - i know what i am doing...long long a sort of 'vision'...i wasn't going to bother getting to, but now i have..only because of fairly mis day and superb sleep... best energy ever....

i have and really can forget ...every single past second of life

It's time to knock that false mindful sagelike aviator Saint his not very interesting perch..

because even the TRULY embarrassing ones...are in some of these..especially possibly the ultimate aviation story....used not for cheap clicks, bit as a real story that sadly our Meghans fail ever to get into their staid waffle...and if they did someone may actually DO something in respect of their (Non) wars...

purpose ep 3

free google drive download

free substack (i prefer you listen there may help get traction)

YOU...fattie...have to pay to comment

only $5 a month...all you are worth 

ep 4a

ep 4b

bates our tune