Monday, 7 August 2023

Meet Polly Garch

 Not quite the true Polly Katrina Garch

But a few weeks ago wandering up a street in small rather sad town - i like...

If i must use a town now and again, though mainly for the yuck food at Lidl.....

" Eureka !! Polly" .yes duel purpose Pollygarch because Katrina can only afford her endless facelifts so as to scowl at me 3 week ago on the banks of the Helford, trying to go for a walk to he shore... due being married...once to a tom Paul Richard Brampson type... who became the oligarchs of places like the SW 20 or 30 years ago...but pretend to be hipster sweetie guru types... (as in Poliakoffs great late 90s series about the London cult and property developer - he literally moved here..)

and my my they don' like ordinary people in their "communities" or on their pathways... who may say "ehh up  my fair signage saying private land...long open pathway to river i though here may be some way down.."

i must get he recording of her lies - in front of a teenager !!...and then being stalked by her in her shotgun grey new DISCOVERY FOR 500 M...

very soon as truly the end now - all storage full to burstin...

So Polly... really, also, is this lady Polly Higgens... Polly Katrina Garch would of course wish her as occasional visitor to Garch towers... of coke and jack Daniels when no one looking... and that's just their children... who probably threw the large tv in the creek just below their mums pad...

But also we have one of the two  types of Tom- Pauls... maybe in some ways he more dangerous - his falsity... although his type  never bite... the other do

Because they basically really did ruin all civic society with heir infantile ex public school boy Teletubbyism

And although his 'memoir' section is all and only about the past, and so so evidence based i cannot be done for any modern day 'shut up' crimes...

Simply to explain why SCHISM...and why it must be just now think about fun tales of good bodily stuff...for the future only...with a liitle memoir filled in maybe if i can be bothered to recall...perfectly...20 years of these Pollies.. (the first was so achingly hip its daft Phoebe of Transition Towns..yes they colonised Hay 20 years ago...and did nothing but swan around looking achingly hip)

it certainly is about no one ...NOW... except these people simply, and how they so so were photocopied - even by the 30 somethings... they now dominate...and your environment and egalitarian balance to society and housing ...has ZERO hope.... because THEY.... no one else, polluted all functional civic discourse...and DOing anything practicable..

no hope now.....ever... why i personally schism'd...

Polly Higgens...bless err..

photo from...but googles FULL...of her...spin

 and many many more oggle shots of  angelic Queen of... bugger all...can be found, too





how to save a community of tossers £100,000 plus.... with one 'harassing' photograph on a blog...i alone did

extremely rich Hay-on-wye had not even a youth club

XXX find photos of self harmer Tom Paul Peter Williams...

xxx find audio of Karina Polly Garching her fuckin self to death lying to her child - saying there are 'private no entry' signs when there are none... too busy getting her latest 50 quid pedicure to bother instructing the 'help'  - dreadlocked cool guys from Notting Hill no doubt to put some new designer ones up.........and likely also about foundational land law, people died to develop over centuries.... may as well be sentencing a kid to that as kids get hurt in their heads..confused...when the old ones lie so blatantly to other front of them......  and having, just over other side of river  bank from Gweek,  concealed motion triggered cctv ...well that is kind of illegal too...

coming to..... a county near you...this one too...

all over Herefordshire and East Powys where the Katrin Pollys bought...everything