
Tuesday 15 August 2023

I made HER laugh...i mean HER for gods sake

the keen observer, or listener, who has a mind.... if you listened to the one about how spiritualism ALL lifecoach mindful shamanism ... infantilises and damages people and as good as destroyed the life of 40 year old a murdering swine of a development.. (a CASE study - i know thousands have been similarly damaged i did many of heir legal cases to save their kids and them FROM themselves..) 

will have heard George Harrison should be exhumed and burned at the long as the fuel aint wasted and some decent  grub or washing water using his waste of ENERGY burning bones- literally he alone by popularising the "Eastern" con... which gave way to energy work/ spiritual and even relationship good as killed Pep...and that is NO tongue in cheek...

 But .... we now have the hérissonneologue...

did i spell it, errata deepl, get it right in the Alexandralogue?


 Because talk about life pivoting on a dime of fresh air... the ULTRA supermodel Frog and her kids come by...

of course i heard and .....pricked up my ears...

and action stations!

And the ultra act of coercive unwashed  MANipulates...with his narcissistic asbergoisie arrest-able horrid deviant character.... a whole group... 15 of them... several generations and a blend the middle of his handwashing WITH my dirty pee bottle on view

wihin a few minutes theyre cuddling the little lovely... passing it round... the young mong frogles eyes lit up...

this is more than a babe magnet this is... it simply cannot fail!

within 5 mins..."PLEASE  they can have it..Jez....  i will swop it for your hand.... i know i aint as cute as Serge you as good as are her .. hje recently departed... her doppleganger ...and Sophia Loren sunglasses...please you will be my fifeenth ask in 7 years.... !.. i need your... nationalite....assylum sil vous plait!!!"

her whole large group pissin in pants....

the (one of them) really serious intellectual looking elder of the group - Bernhard Henri Levi lookalike and sweater to match..over shoulders in bigo french old man pose.... ("must i protect err our beauty from the raving mad dog...out in midday sun..?" ) within 30 sex hes laughing .....thats impossible as anyone who has met Jean Paul Pianta as (Katrina) love rival...while raising his kids.... knows... they invented: only i am Eros...

And her.. the look.... fuck me Felini meets La Grande Belazza and ... makes Birkin and Sege look like amateurs...

Only a true Frenchwoman supemodel haute qualitee...

who knows the benefits of being actually desired and turned like a bbqd hedge on a spit... and got the better of

all with a little prick thing...

by a mad looking prick...can give the look of all the goddesses from Helen of Troy to Atheanea (oops getting to her soon) ..  eye to eye her  Diana part Medusa  look ...burning in to mine...

 "he my ...equal...and he MAKES ME LAUGH...and front of my entourage "  

his  Jez... - existance...just became ...  the best life ever..

I could have a tribe of Jezraelites if i kept this up as i found the actual real promised land

especially as we are gathering on the beach later ... Les petits ma patite...

BUt in case i commit suicide of pleasure (oh yes earlier monalogues - FULL interviews soon..) the key as i discovered in about 2015....

you know when you should, when you are so well rested so so so fit and happy.... 

you know you will - if there is anything to enjoy...enjoy that transition...

or last word, which will not be fuck off cruel world it will be continued

(footnote to his morning ... yes

photo yes i know i want to get back to them your new friends  asap too!!!!  daddy sat at his bloody noisy keyboard he has to whack [sic - no time to fix yet]

I ...well i was
saving that (pic)  for the cowboy that...only good art i have seen down here and well priced at Arty Farty's... of Porthpooport
and i told her (Mrs Farty)  why


I was going to think this morning sat in the perfect spot - now... "WTF do i follow this with..i know i must say something more i shall have to gather all guile to top this..." (to Queen sprout verbatim yest)

if you marry me, i repeat you don't have to look at me even ( you can wear your sunglasses - i do not look at women who wear sunglasses, ever... in uk we say " the eyes are the windows of the soul" it makes me sad so many women wear ugly fashion sunglasses - they cause cancer, as melanoma regulation happens through the eye mother was bsessed with Sophia Loren sunglasses), your daughter can adopt the herisson

in videos it is very popular! 
it loves humans - slowly it relaxes.
i only let European young women hold it.

Je suis peut-être trop belge pour vous. Je suis sérieux. La semaine dernière, j'ai entendu à la radio une émission culturelle sur la Belgique. Et peut-être de l'absurde.

Je ne suis à 100% qu'une personne pratique et romantique. Mais est vraiment un champion ultra moderne du surealisme et de l'absurde.
Je suis très bon.  

Je suis le champion - plus que tout autre Belge - de l'absurdisme sacré. Je le tisse autour d'histoires réelles (dont personne d'autre n'ose parler).

il est surréaliste et absurde que je demande en mariage sur whatsap un fantôme qui ne peut pas communiquer avec moi. mais c'est aussi une vie réelle sérieuse.

il n'y a donc que le divertissement : j'espère vous divertir. probablement pas.

Mais la nuance de mes mots ne se traduit probablement pas (en ralph). sérieusement, je suis bon. ce n'était pas mon plan d'être bon dans le surealisme, mais c'est du désespoir : personne n'est jamais authentique. personne ne peut même avoir un vrai dialogue mature. oh woe is me (cette phrase en anglais est ultra absurde, elle signifie " je me lamente si sincèrement ! " ; mais " qu'ils aillent se faire foutre ", en même temps. 


Traduit avec (version gratuite)

But then i go and get interrupted by he definition of Ms Berkin...
and her 3 gorgeouses.... 
And we rif  face to face for the Herisonologue for hours....

And she had to walk away

(the EU song 

 who didnt bother telling the world they liked a bit of sisterly love...ever...until about 5 years ago when i guess theytoo 'fell'.. to pity he poor dykes for clicks.

because, i made her blush and laugh so much...

Alexandra doesnt know what she missed out on

And the rendezvous... mad Englishman with his bag of spikes.... and his washing to on the most beautiful dyke of all

in a bit

oh yes back to the fascist little zealots who run Hay and Horrorford workshops et al...

it was when about 15 years ago you would hear around their campfires "oooh you mustnt judge.." before that "ooohhh generalisng is evil" 

i knew then ... 

but i have done many many slam impromptu versions of why maybe one needs to generalise...and i dont like to 'judge' but not stating how peoples ...die...

cos peoples always need truth to (soft) powering... through heir cant vanity and insanity... there are LINES regarding kids. And every one i ever met was way over the simple line no court or sane parent would ever disagree with me.... plain oldschool real good and bad...

but you cannot SPEAK of it... hence