post/page under construction not ready til1300 ish - theres a reason i have to prepublish it
hashtags: assumptions, false, me extremely humble podcast describes
a true story of Uk should be in the hague. And few will be able to argue the deathtoll and cause and effect.
Yugoslavian wars mattered. (the diplomacy was at least sincere)
But then though i am only interested in tomorrow, the real history of UK ostentatious consumerism, which continues especially down here... which EVERYone in Uk knew 40 years ago was so crass, vulgar, and foolish....and could not make anyone ever happy.
which is i guess point number 1 in 'purpose' the ... pointless waffle. But as it is also some funky bits of memoir woven in maybe it will have some listeners...
But then... i have no better little example of how vulgar entrepreneurship, 12.00 YET again.... turns someone sour and quite aggressive.... and as your property prices tumble, my my you are going to have another five years of if it were me - the only sane one left, i would find something REALLY useful to join together and do...
Myself i only ponder one thing - so someone who sets their day of workshops at £50 or thereabouts....surely ....surely she if no one else (no one else DOES!) would understand how everyone else is so absurdly ostentatious and fraud...half the time... and has the brain to understand THEIR house of cards - endless expensive lifestyle diversions - dressed up as some or other clever club - event - and there and everywhere.... is tumbling do something REALLY useful...??? purpose was sent last December or maybe November - time to assiduously get back on track... and get the bits missed here or elsewhere
So, you have had to have slept the sleep of the innocent,...for eight hours; have some stirring musac on in the headphones to drown out the shout'n....
lets have a bit o' the man.... drown out their talk with their lasses of ferkme Taylor...
swiftly on before he gets he did...I mean what kind of genius ferkme songwriter gets "broccoli" and "spatula" in his hand....
And more important does not tell his listener what to think...of her or him..."under the hem of the night"....theyre just at it it spatula in hand...
And...under the hem of her brolly and 'unters......met her at 8am.....
A second one - a woman who speaks her truth...the truth! The second in a year i do ...believe...
What's that saying ..."shared adversity...." i don't think any Britisher knows any more but talk about her exploding with fabulous one had let her fizz and rage and...
" yes...fine....i agree with every word but lets go back to starting with the science.... not because i care for my body, that's the key to having a body...being a body...and sortin the fuck itself out.... but to keep the crony chronicle for the lass...just in case one day hence decades and decades hence...she may be curious
"finally to emerge from the winter of my journey...and set forth this this set forth..."
if only the 'woman next door' would learn or take her cause forth...she has to play them at their own game... in their fucked up English boarding schools they did at least learn one thing....
Omeric ferkin poetry
"we... turn it into an ode...starring you... because i have never accidentally got talking to a more Worcester woman next door...your fine hue and splendid mutt from central casting....your just flash enough motor... you are HER! EVERYwoman and couldn't live in a more everywoman place.... you are simply perfect for the.... TEST one was worthy of intil you stood there and started to tell thine truth...all the way ... right babe you gonna need some TEECHin...
"part 1 of dont let the buggers grind you down, is they will, thats their job... but as you are off to the assizes to give them the finger ...but it must be clean..
"you need some proper INSPIRATION.... now theres this aryan lawyer in yankeeland who SAYS...he got Bob lines into all his Omeric write ups otherwise known as representations to the bench... well i did one better i got one line into an indictment...against myself for hedgehoggeration...
"but...we forget her fantasy hurt.... your REAL hurt..... every morning whilst doin 100 press ups.... listen to the line in this 100 times too.... til you have the perfect nuance, liminality and allthewayness.... innit.... "were goin all the way til the wheels fall of annd burn..." then hear their response that so perfect "heyyy ehhheyyy.." they not 'fraid... they know it must
And then its that scream to the heavens half a minute on....
"first of all.... me... i have zero interest in me but.... she, the first truth teller...she made me alive, because last early winter only for her...i started my hillside and tops marchin...a lot ...even the few days minus ten i had the lurgy the knee wobbly variant.... no never 'tested' because i know my body and no normal flu gets my knees a knockin after half a mile....but guess what legs goin...i just marched on and... later on i felt.....better ' you never feel worse after a walk..' long ago i fabled into words, copyright me.... but copyright her, really as.....
"anyway we need to save your life first... get yer sweatin
" up and down hill and dyke
"and dale
"and on our old bikes...
"THEN.... only then....will we sue the cunts for your life lost....
"aww bless.... when i send you the McCullough only saved ion my chronicles for mine lass had it got metoo..
" you will know... you will know some science but also that all along you were right
bugger me we're having to listen to a lot of musac this morn to drown out the wailing as... despite "sir its all shipshape now.." i mean to successfully sue the government one has to do the PR ...FIRST....
And showing the world everywoman...hurt and crawling (and checked for fake self pityin' illnesses and sin dromes....
and as usual ... thirteen years...blogger owned by
(Groundhog Day is a love story!...with a happy ending)
google owns youtube...
cannot find exactly the title put in copypasted off the actual video in youtube..
.you think AI is ever going to work propper you all mad..Sam Harris, Elon X..... the lot of these pathetic little kiddults
meanwhile back in creative reality:
A rare last eve rain pattering on the roof....
'lets have a look at the END...or Ukraine full stop
And even the not very radical good as says
But as usual even old Meary cannot link the links...and do the rhetoric simple man and everywoman.... and say it in simple black and white: "hundreds of thousands of Rambos pulverised and smashed to bit and children blown up... so UK should be in The Hague, BECAUSE..."
SO, before even meeting her... Mrs "THEY HURT ME" truth ....
so it is time he is launched.
Purpose ep 1
probably will ponder a snappier title day
just experimenting even if hings no one else will say may be blurted out a any time
(only cos google drive free 15gb is now near full - one more item only to go in the there maybe later today)
But if there is ever a better example of ... just wake up... 8 hrs splendid shut eye... and just do it, no plan no aforethought....all controlly peeps lost in all that aforethought....
And as if to rampage through my soul like a herd of groundhogs on some love drug... 5 mins after BROACAST done.... she is there...aside. Whom it is...FOR....
Now theres a sequence and still havent got to putting all bits and bobs into one a few weeks ago...
And the utter joke of how the 'bottom third' are exploited down here..
The suposedly working-well wifi is so utterly disastrous in the MAIN 'hub' for miles...
Its taken an hour to get 3 gb up....
when the whole world now works by 7 minutes of punch fake video...
or maybe just a few of us....go ALL the way....
video not up til 1300
after yet again we have to figure out some little snotteratti may mean exactly by "view media assets"
not finished yet....,,