
Thursday 24 August 2023

And it is so so BORING

 I have a perfect memory  - or 99.9% so..

And know

with the exception of 

one sweaty farmer woman  pimps herself to the fatties of the old region massaging their fat ones...

One fat funny mongrel man

And one Serbian...

One medic on a hill two months ago under the stars for 7 hours as she wept about the treatment [fact i got exact words] ... of her by her man, AND the NHS she had worked for many years, was disgusted to learn that week in their new retraining was prioritsing  - prioritising" even here...making money from medicine...she in charge of dispensing!

EVERY ... other.....100% ... every single other conversation i have ever had for 4+ years... 7 really...contains some reference to something WRONG with them or someone in their orbit having some PROBLEM  - physical or mental health or personality disorder or label... 




what is an amusing but real life act of performance art is when i state "i have no problems ever

 [except a 'legacy of a poor hurt kid - nothing to do with me - i took no art in her hurt life after she stolen against court settlement other household had £100 k of public money and FAR more court time than any other parents., LOSE a court case......NO WOMAN OF MANY WOMEN FRIENDS...EVER OFFERED even to discuss over a cup of tea with me possible strategies to fix i have done for many parents re their kids...]"

they ALL except fatman  consider this a personality disorder!

No problems, no regrets, nothing WRONG with my body .... 

A problem hahh hahh...

of course i have one - i have antisocial personality disorder as i do not take part i YOUR social glue...

But i do....have a very good chronicle [me never ever upset ever ven twice being attacked in nice Guardian reader Marches by mad men on drugs - not even responding to them...except i had my protective audio recorder on...always...] and when your sceptic shopping aisle is even more bankrupt... i know my chronicles are in fact historic..

And someone else can have every word...
