Tuesday, 18 July 2023

the sublime ... next



radio 3

england is:

usual English anti intelectual sick  psychodrama stuck in the ex lublic school boys sad nursery... mummy off at Ascot

sugar addicted ( makes you moody) opium muncher ... alcoholic Byronic bullshit..

kids  moody stuff

poor Byron with Madam Bovaryesque mummie issues...

their private schools, mummy's drugzzz... and expensive habits habit...and performative angst

defining 'The Sublime'...on radio 3


totally wrong

" terror" ... Mary Shelly all "terrified wandering  in the Alps... anyone would be with Bob Byron as a flatmate....and staying up all night as they would....munchin mind altering badstuff...

Polish etymology, for example, has a far wiser history of the word.. far more historically balanced in healthier thought..( prior them going nuts):

the 'w'  one..  or it may have a line in it.. w l (with a line midrif)... you look it up... 

defined as far more complex:

 "maybe-magic...maybe even 'shamanic'..."

but categorically

"of LOFTY intent".. in other words nature...grandeur in nature,  to BOLSTER ... decent humanist humanity.... help us intetpret the ineffable maybe... figuring how to end up as GOOD....

never ever ever trust the sad English so called 'scholar'

Their chief sad fool AC Grayling  chief brain of London thinks the Le Guinn, Omelas story ...of a child  necessarily tortured to keep all the rest of the people shipshape...is who we are!!... he told me to my chronicling device...