Tuesday, 25 July 2023

the answer to Eckhart Tolle master of nothing

 case in perfect point...

as i potter between weekly cleaning jobs.... 

best place in world to do ones domestics ( except one place  i shall never... even fix a broken saw or ...anything in the silly "bird"'s lerch)

precisely:  my 'identity' i had to give away years ago  for at least trying to take part..even lead slightly.. ( wait for political video ..5 years awaiting...in the can but no phone data left... maybe tomorrow)

always quiet, not much said out loud...the strong silent type.... nope that wont get allies to paint fuck off back  under your stone Nigel,  signage or even " knighton you herd of  dinosaurs cunts... even your rugger fields paid for by EU... think twice!"

i can talk to anyone ..quite relaxedly...

but when one meets in person someone and cannot...

.....6 june..

assuming i would never find her...no coordinates except a huge river with no paths along it all the rich bitches block them off.......  but tgere she is the moment almost i arrive randomly in first place randomly coordinated on the map...

when one is stuck for words... is ....all

one needs to know

you cant make money from that of course or...get Fakebook likes

that is in fact the greatest real compliment cunts like Tolle wouldnt for a second understand...as all they can do is talk.... 

about their own silly fears and fantasy ' relationships' of course ..

when stuck, unable to say much.... that is what us truly wonderful to listen to.

i have only been once for years...

well ok i have to be truthful, even if no way ... anyway, married, ring on finger .. at first she wished to stick up at me... but such legs  once seen without the winter baggy skirts! fuckinell....!!

and.... deep down i know she hated the way rhey were required to 'curate' such insipid bile...on her library shelves...

tongue tied speaking with hertoo...

of course her inane books wont tell anyone  ..that is, especially in a mature middle aged reasonably confident oerson, me, the greatest ever compliment a man or woman can give each other ...ever

lets call her and tell her...if the other fascists and bossy bitches will let me through....