As i long long do - or 'be' to a symbolic rhythm around the seasons...
Mayday a onderful symbolic time - all the past the life, obviously...
Though of course in past times living in - oops errata never 'IN -always aside, by several miles at least, the gradually tourism prostitute towns of The Marches....
A swath - imagine a line half way down Wales meaning North to South about midpoint; then a band of land...over to about say the M5...
One can argue forever about what and why it is...
But i do KNOW one thing - environmentally it is far far more 'important' than even its size - maybe a 100km wide band down that [non existant except ion the heads of the tourist board and BBC's sick minds - and hospital figures - 'Welsh' far far less healthy...and sexist pig figures; Welsh utter dinosaur sexist snouters...oh and don't forget 'education' - bottom of the class - European class that is... ] border.. [ the tourist boards and Hay festival pretend is some magical kingdom...when in fact no one knows why Offa 'built' his dyke...i know i lived astride it for much of 25 years...
Yes i know one thing... this band of land, 30, 40 thousand sq relatively a far more important 'ecosystem' than most of the rest of England below Manchesterish, put together... Most of the West-side rivers originate there, and concomitantly, the soils are rich and had much flora and fauna that 'nature' required to sustain itself quite happily... probably one could say more variety and diversity and STUFF per sq km (i only use Serbian units now no matter what anyone else may think... not that they can) than the rest of the average in Englan... in fact definately...
And... ALL of that ecosystem depends - in fact it IS - one thing... or mainly, especially if one is a heron... my favourite "bird".. the riversource regions - All the rivers which flow from West to East .. originating in Mid Wales - mainly around here thatb line own Wales is.. over 100km or further to the M5 kind of regions...
Certainly (due warmer climate than the English North) more beasts and bugs and "birds"...
per sq km.. than middle England or even the South West...
So, not even "arguably" - certainly THE most important repository of the 'environment' in UK... (the 'fohn' wind that is at zenith more or less down the border also gives a strip of warmer microclimate and curiously relatively more sunshine.. obviously boosting nature ... many of the towns down that 'border' are in the lee of the fohn effect and thus far sunnier than surrounds..
And 5 years ago the owners of those upper reaches (devolved - i.e. the just-a-shabby-COUNTY of Wales..) announced major new world class super great fabulous law... so spivved up its daft - spivved up on millions of your cash... i would guess maybe 50 mil... spinning it, advertorialing it... lobbying it... advertising it...putting it on all their Fakebooks - those 'AM's ...
And then the side effects " Simon you cynical cunt with your 'BAD ENERGY'.. how dare you be sceptical about The MArches environment after all those sweet magnificent folklore rich, bilingual, pixies down in Cardiff have world class super saviour complex new lore coming in in just a few years, January 2023... you are a horrid man and we are not inviting you to tea again...not that we ever have... with your BAD NGATIVE ENERGY..and negative vibes and dislike of the sitar..."
Now... so (is it other site sc2020..? one day i shall weave all... propper)
January 2023 comes along me literally living on the last 0nly 75% fuckerated river ON that border - 50m from it...
BUt we didnt have to wait til then - to know of most skillful eco hoodwink of the century...or maybe last 100+ October 2022 it was announced sneakily " [zillion quid spent on]... it... new law... delayed... and may have to have further consultation and then ...MAY have to issue exemptions"
This is NVZ not masturbation to sitar musac...LAW... NVZs are regions ... hillsides streams flow down.... water catchment regions....of THE most important ecosystem feeding rivers in UK....
30, 40..actually maybe even 50 square k... are environmentally almost defined by that flow of water originating mid wales hills... reaches way into England...down to Bristol...etc..
in half a sentence, protecting that flow from too much shit and other pollution...... the absolute source of the Wye Dee Severn teme Lugg and many other smaller offshoots.. that more herons and nice algea and bios... live off by far than anything else in UK...
protecting the water from fascist farmers and industrialists who couldnt give a toss... (i know - a fair few have been my friends over the years)... dairy herds wandering along the same pathways day after day... causes mud...loads of....which eventually is washed into nearby rivers and ruins the shagging chances of the little fishies as they dont have ex ray vision so cannot find a mate...
and her heron suffers eventually...
ALL is 'unity' ..connected... to all of farming, and other lesser land use ... unless one takes great care...
what NVZs are about...even if they were a lie..fantasy...
(listen farming today from Royal 'Welsh' show a few days ago...)
But.... to meet and have to myself, and my chronicling device, for ten minutes..... Georgie porgie Monbiot... their 'darling; as darling as Tragore...
or even Greta... CERTAINLY Polly...
Basically city based charismatics i.e. charmers... need expenses money to get to festivals where as 'star' they can maybe reserve the right to shag sultrier babes... just like George was spied with... over several evenings... not 'hiding' away his celebrity...
as is his right!
(Or Polly...2010...come to be seen...and so so so worshipped its daft - lots of expenses money her and bloke needed - all the way from East Anglia...* but i havent even started on them... all in chronicles, its time....)
I am not a fascist in the Georgie needs it sucked department, fine ...... live and let live...
BUT... when Georgie doesnt know of THE most important hoodwink maybe EVER.... not even 'AWARE' at all - of this biggest eco issue by far in England for decades,.... did not know of the last 5 years new law working though the system...
and symbolically connected to THE river he is stood 50 m from....
THE most symbolically fucked river in uk so BBC covered its daft...
Well...i think the people should decide what is done with that i think it is worthy of a Turner...prize fake but better art than any spaz Banksy..
its about REAL oppression
By the likes of Monbiot...and co...
and THE look his sultry babe gave me...
just this May..hahh hahh...
(I NEEDED to meet them...of course i didnt know i would february... but I needed that to know....ALL CAUSES ARE hope!")
Anyway it ends - though all these places just grockelism or emmettism...
May special, June the ENERGY...the sap really turbocharged.. August - even if in any scabby tourist region even Hay and Presteigne it becomes grockel month... should really be a month of serene nothing much drifting around on warm afternoons...
symbolically one has made hay, and it is now time to eat it...
starting Tuesday
hard last day of work tomor...
then if one cannot beat them, join them...