three years...
first i tried to recruit armed Saffron.
flirtin with me at her hedge from spring seemwd onlybher and i were above all the people...despite her being once London socialite....
she seemed alone to have 'transitioned'
i never had such fun...
but fun became serious later on
and i guess i was wrong...
Saffie... stop poutin like a fuckin harmony hairspray woman for just one minute ... yes we all know well i do... they got the wrong actress for that the real deal..and know what i do at the next field down in the bracken to hide natural behaviours ...a mans gotta do what a mans gotta do... exactly what you want.... but your Fajwbook full of you caring about thee birds and bees... i even now have a recording if your county's official environmenral officer admitting he burried alive badger cubs.... i need a corner of your field..or someones...and someone on armed guard...lie low .. despite his churchy credentials... ten years he was mulitary pious lying cgaplain... his mates wull snuff me out if they know i ever said a word....of who he is and which his lands are [false coordinates, to even her, never trust anyone but actual helpmeet wife....god even the Crets worked that one out milennia ago... ]
never named until
why bother...ecen with tge fim and one cares. That i fun way... true way ...
twas rge bljourney that was of ckurse only always a pleasure, even when. usual tge Fakebook version turns out to be as seems universally so....
the problem
you shoukd see mMrs Mc.... utter Qyeen if it..
but tgen onw day her wvil PR i would monitor time to time...lead me to a clue to The Sublime.... or at least excelent little en route fable
use all even evil acts for some recycled good ourpose...obviously
never take anything to heart... tge noral yes moral great word
of the true story.
i cannot have my dauggter ever find any untruth, even decades hence.. even made 'moron' ( just quoting for fun the potential h bomb song)...cos all trauma causes terrible 'static' for decades..
but if thar static ever clears i want her to know dad was always 100% tellin truth... women nkt understanding that is how we respect all genders. always .... us frankly the main lroblem...sad but true
and i challenge antone to a suel on a bana boat wirh holes in tge jeel...time limited all the way win or die in the shit 'n shark infested creek... if they can tell me cigerently why came to this. in socratic debate... me one hand tied behind back.... and no swordsick either...