Friday, 28 July 2023


And there is ALLways a solution, and fix... well, except to one embodied issue...

So, unbe it....

Now all i know is I am going to have -  to create a new tosser-term, an almost* digital free august.

* rules - that already in he can can if i can be bothered relistened to for sequiturs i forgot to weave into seditious  tea towels (!!!STOP....  thats against the new rules!!!  there is something gorgeously of the 'moment' having a wonderful encounter and rarely giving out my business card... this...[even if publisher creeps wouldn't get it -yet...until he five books are woven into one, and then for their pea brains, unwoven into five simple straightforward 'themes' ]... and just waiting until some poetical lines arise a few hours later and siting here witha  warm feeling ... just honouring a 'connection'... face to....  especially when every day i go out landloping i categorically dont want o cha with anyone... i just like siting and staring ideally at nothing but nature.... occasionally a bit of town-based people watching... but i am categorically NOT 'British' so ...i am just being a tourist ...really  even if  as a bookist (saving my life via them ...especially "ALL"  - obvious exaggeration.. The 'Russians'... took years to wade through until we got to... Lermentov who simplified it all so beautifully even at his ripe young age....) i do know one thing.... NO good books have been written about who hese curious contemporary foreigners all around me...are and how they really live...because i have been looking for one for years... Barnes laughable, Amis... hyping it all up in a way tha doesnt help...Cusk he only one who seems to ask the right questions but too much in her ivory tower for her own good... is great o have twenty years of unimginably fun ups and downs yet always )(emoionally - or that implies narcissist psychopath so better word...  just spiritually and bodily constant ) 

Except letting go.... bugger them! wasting resources..... let hem be be reused well....

just when i need (nohing) ed a good holiday chair and old bike once more...

Even if of course he later needs a jolly good fix

One could even say i have the one thing, as soon as those Foulmouh Waitrose Bags bought every spare home in The Marches (en route here - posh accent "darling i was jus reading an article in ..[i even remember a wrong name i gave  yesteraft]- Bella's dad's Guardian, about how all he poor local workpeople can no longer afford even a hedgehog nest to sleep in as all heirhouses have been bought...oh hpw terrible we must sart a charity to show off helping hem... based at Newport house perhaps if Mister Pornhub will rent us a barn..he bought off the last fake for 8 million...[ohh my he stories of HER..] .... ohh hand on i must ake this its from ha dear little Rupert ive been zooming all mnth a the estate agent..."

In a counry i do no ever again wan one quite deliberately...

a home

A ...home

hmmm...weird.... can't have that! Back to stopping places only! None of them mean it...what they say..