Friday, 28 July 2023

"embodied carbon"

 So, as we have the latest Tim Schmidt type2man on t6he wireless coming up with YET another clever dick sounding word for we have known for decades...use less...

He won't of course 'reach.' reach out to the blokes and plenty of women too (i photo'd barbie the other day, at the most gorgeous car park in the world.... the younger generation of absolute drug guzzlers use all afternoon and night....  and she terrifies me: incar billowing bonhsmoke out of the windows, from about 11am... then with her barbie hair and sunglasses of course perfectly propped up on barbie fringe... thinks nothing of getting her motor with an 'i' on it...and roaring up the track, to the road... where families with kids wander down to the most gorgeous car park in the world... 

But it is her ...look of as if no one before her as my potsmoking palls would know 40 years ago... not a good idea to drive even a bit light-grass stoned.... 

Nope.... terrifying. And all over the place. And i still am terrified to think...well, i have THREE writers met now....  wonderful spirited maybe even 'community' - i actually have three communities founded even if not one will ever have me in front in any way at all... the eco lot (Dan the man maybe can gatherate them... and five younger acolytes.... signed up... to HIS ministry... and hers - maybe is she sets out to be jobsharePM... she should...)

Terrifying.. to think that three great flamey ones.... could meet her on the road... and be wiped out just like that. 

....But forget 

Then the arts lot - none have met each other ooops errata Miss fingernail - superb - the most interesting in fact as she also said "dont judge a book by her covering"  knows the one who got me thinking.... (and has had best ever emotional blackmail " your five year old..." :-) 

But assuming they all fail ever to follow through anything despite 15+ of them in VERY long lovely FUNNY chatteratings.. i made THEM laugh... i couldnt do that really even 6 mths ago - always...

At least i have three wiriters maybe just to encourage ... a bit; all tested for true grit...I do know that as the most evil man in the world (even if he gave me THE clue to THE Sublime..) said to me 15 years ago... "she has the basic instrument.." 

So yes mister cler dick embody-himself-in-newords...

how will he 'reach' the mainly blokes that tear up the road near me now at 120kmh...despite it being a very narrow dark country lane just up from Gwark...

He terrifies me the most- well him the driver, and him the radio waffler...

Especially as one of the writerlys is a walker!

I am bulletprooof (one gets tarred as narcissist in UK for saying so) but putting aside that [self]hatecrime...  as all assuming without knowing, is from a place of personal wobbling, sad but true... but these lanes my my one has to really squeeze up against the no-verge.. and one slip and one could be under the wheels of the many fools whom joy ride around... and admittedly not bulletproof to heavy metal belting around laughing at Mister "Embodied carbon" and his inhuman bullshit phrase just to get him on wireless fourchan...

when being REALLY happy free at ease centred at peace feeling top of the mountain always comes from being satisfied with almost nothing...and then only almost nothing can break (as it does every other day...) and almost nothing can be pinched by roaming type 1s... 


ABUT one has TIME to...wander landlope and even if certainly was impossible, here.... encounter loads of splendids... loads... I don't understand!Several certainly longterm 'friends' .... you can't find them in The Marches all on bloody rocket fuel, there....  bizarre place i now realise...