New addition's to new library now i know a superb young poetess to maybe book source maybe
All... the time wasters, up to dawn yesterday... long have I had my touch-boxes...of memories, but also have physical post-it, reminder notes...
the oil can placed,
to remind me (impossible to forghet if placed ON seat furthermore the amount of 'Greens' who have bicycles so rusty they are unusable makes me laugh and laughter is an excellent something memorable...even if mine is superb...always..)) to collect on the way back out
The bicycle
(to remind me of the ode to the truly greatest fake Greens ever darling Ritchie and Celia and how one day i must pull out those photos and make it into a Banksy+ .. or just to pick up my bicycle from a convenient hedge-drop off point a few weeks ago... discarded in a town, just as it has a little rust, all over when in fact its a fine quite new bike...

now...words, lonely is such a loaded one...
a far better, slightly hurtful maudlin - how can i not think of that word and recall that evening in Belgrade 1990 where my best friend of years... the Margret Yank...called me and asked me if she could get married, not to me...
Talk about the ultimate in emotion if we go that far back...
But the real emotion is these damn yanks... have a setting whereby almost all best friends...last about a decade...and then it is as if they never existed. Even the very deepest loves who one was so sharing of the best book - we would send it back and forth across the pond every few years "is it you need it now...?" "yep...Bridge it Across.... " but it seems forever is a hard word unless of course you have committed a crime in which case it can be 999 years of forever...weird people.
oops tangent....
Actually it is ONLY by lots of movement one can tollerate them...and be full of good thought. Bob around a few hours and it is as if they don't exist... even when today - though this is not part of anything, i realised whom they all looked like these Tom-Pauls...
Back to movement...
And super simple life...
Oh yes your very best liberated electricity in fact what a bizarre region I would hate to be a Jesus addict as i have only found one church which leaves its door open...
All day and it seems, night too...
Which in fact really has caused a major ...well, stopping... a year I just bobbed along popping in to a church for free power every day or so - enabling regular phone and laptop topping up...and then using them for...what i don't know, but at least keeping on 'track'.. easily...
Not since coming here -utterly be it
Oh yes sat just reading a poem, and wondering what's the point of any jotteration...and as if on cue along comes the ultimate greying Baddiel lookalike - they all have his pot even 45 these days from all that time up all night whoop whooping about bitcoin or anything else that isn't quite traditional money... so as to pay for their second runaround motors down here... his and hers...for the couple of sprogs...
All of whom are straight out of a lifestyle magazine - Torygraph i guess if they have one though they would only admit to the Sunday Times...
And her... errata, ..of course TP often has two on board...
Anyway they have nothing to do with me except really disturb me when i was just about to stay in my 'zone' their horrid colognes i dont care how much they cost... chemical hell.
And their need to dominate the moment they get out knowing i was sat quietly between them both pulling up - straight away telling the young men important things about important fancy meals..loudly...
code for "whats this humble serf doing in his rusty tin can in OUR second homer holiday parking spot...
My bathroom parking spot..
best hidden away long bathe.
No shit as in the next creek down even I thought maybe i was being a bit brave... bathing there for my first month in the region.
So lets start at the beginning, or the bottom...(OF THIS you have to go back at least to the 22 Feb... blocking day)
Of course when describing occasionally to the few humble quiet centred and peaceful souls the true simplest joys of super simple living... for 6 years of the last 13, the other 7 in one of the ichest stately homes in the whole country, even if they had to blow it up 775 years ago unpaid whoring gambling and [sic] Byron's booze bill.. the Rachman owned ruins providing humble abode... to a range of bottom thirds... and my CONDITIONS HAVE BEEN 100 ti es healthier the last 18 months than the 7 years there - near killed me damp swampy floors.. all the humble yeonmanry can afford for years the Waitrose BAgs having bought all of The Marches, too...poor them..
I realise now why i was just a little frazzled... because every single one so really very very weirded out but in quite a menacing way....a subtle menacocracy - all rather perverted - i wonder why...
Or maybe as a (NON ENGLISH ) person - half adult life gypsy, "[thoughtbubble] foreign women are better TOO lovey..:-) "
the other half dreaming of being one again...
Anyway ... I mean when you literally have 2 or 3 items only every week to wash or clean...
including the toilet.
Because 99% ...i know exactly what theyre thinking ..." But where...."
"In there love".
Bt there is an aditional benefit thats more than bodily mindful THE MIX...
I realised after yes that first year of 'grief' or whatever that state is... half the time your belly has gone...
small space or outdoor living.. you realise one fundamental thing at the root of all..
If when yone awakes- and as regular as clockwork ever since i left London and travelling for a living...
ten past first organic healthy thin hardly any tobacco rolled up, MUST stop, fag...
When you always see it.. it sits there either on the firm ground - obviously away from paths...or in some receptacle...the sight of seeing a firm one..
Is THE best psychological mindful wellness therapeutic gong on their head means the fuckers never fucked your shit...
(i was trying to weave in ffs but later)
placed on the ground or other surface
firm poo
ALL is well...
and if one argues... including ones personalised maudlin self pity gene, you are talking it...
Talking of which... ohh who was she -i dont understand this shift here it is a total shift of hologram - I keep meeting extraordinary truth tellers...i celebrrate them rightly as the meaning of life, and then they disappear or spit at me (mentally)
Katie of the straw hat
"well we have lived there several of the last 8 years as we sail the seas to avoid humans just me im and the 8 year old lass....... hell on earth.. cia or mi5 and lackeys own everything the mob doesnt.. serious crime ...rapist rastas..." "yep metoo theme park...bit like here [she winks the winky wink of the wise ones ]...when i lived there 9 months only gun crime i was ever aware of nearby a neighbour held up middle of night for their binoculars or somesuch...."
I am quite sure it wasn't quite as dangerous in Odysseus's time ... in their West Indies or even here....Anyway .. all that matters is ...18th June..i heard a great one, and wrote it down in notes...and now can get back to her...
Dawn Revisited
Imagine you wake up
with a second chance: ......
for i wont steal copyright in case they've got AI avaricious webcrawl ... reasons...hop to
This one too ok but we shall come to him later...