Wednesday, 14 June 2023

whatever the 'role' (if you hate horror films! this is England! - run away! ..with me..)

 ... I take life seriously, and will eventually be at this draft for a book ONLY on simplest living soon, as main enjoyment writing..soon... 

unless another role i would far rather be at - supporting great some miracle came to pass... by on the street.. cockin a snoop oh well....

though my legal / environment website maybe needs tarting up first... let's just say, sadly - and that is meant sincerely, it is used as a 'communication' tool to some... one the Queen of "divine" yoga and ultra goddessness in a region i now with distance, and light and relaxedness, thank god i left... i knew her 15+ years...

as an act of not 'kindness', as the rules were set out - full no-users, mutual benefit (in time on tasks in return for..) ... 200 hours spent saving her 10 year old from her utter angry angst in her kitchen..lots of last winter prior mid December.. (though we won't tell her, what a GIFT - to be the leader of her inner workings...and  admin).. to live - be - within the camp of the ultimate fraudster.... who has defrauded the only 'friend' - me..who sat so many days listening to the fraud continue "it was never for a second my fault i defrauded dozens of healers and ticket buyers to the ultimate healing festival.."  despite thrice into my recorder saying of course she must pay my expenses (10 thousand quids worth of cruelly purpose bred-to-swell posh puppies locked in a room upstairs...i wouldnt email all her defrauded suckers about that.. there are clear rules..!!)

it is astonishing - beautiful satire..upon the whole 'wellness' community she is many years regional queen of... when it comes to her owing them money and her owing the only person tried to assist for her sons sake - bat away her creditors and courts...

just how vicious they all can be... (and so narcissistic " i .. %Ralph, value YOUR time... the reasons for this ...and the past is irrelevent... this lady has no money [i lie -and hated myself for -  dogs get paid for in cash]  ... i personally oversaw all her bank statements being published on the website you have...and her bankruptcy application... shje also  one CCJ in and the court has said £10/mth...if you put one in for the [mere... god almighty you can't say to them its only money]  £300 i promise on my own child's life the court will put you down the list as maybe £3/mth if you are lucky.... it was a weird time, apologies already issued... call me any time...i will advise if a miracle inheritance happens... otherwise there is no point fretting - not good for you.." 

They dont stop fretting

but when someone - only one left to help...pays THEIR money for the phone and sim and some travel exs..needed only for her operation... " you first person i will bank transfer to.." .. doesnt gtet a bean yet also photographs a quite expensive new high fence around her property... that is England...

what a gorgeous story...too shabby to bother telling really..

meanwhile - as many years discovered, sorry Cormac McCarthy may well have been a fairl;y good wordsmith, but his writing is the bleakest inhuman dystopian HORROR crap ever - using blood and gore and eating people as some fuckin of the worst kind.. (Rachel Kushner writes real life dystopia with intelligence you learn from!)

That radio 4 this morning has Horror flic porn merchant on calling McCarthy "the greatest writer of the century" - the last one i think it was... is your ultimate horror movie..i never watched one, grown ups knew within 10 mins of The Shining... art. Porn for silly fools...

his society is not only sick, far worse i is truly ignorant, and has no elegance left a all - McCarthy's books are utterly gross ! and i have even partly lived in war zones briefly i know reality... the end.