Saturday, 10 June 2023

I can write...

 Most photos i may upload - that took five minutes for a small one :-)

Are of the moment.

Many more poignant to stick in here later...

Depends which way the wind blows...

As in in low signal places one has to learn exactly which way the phone (to hotspot tether) needs to be angled.... putting it on top of jalopy at times (out of the 'faraday cage') ... it is zen..making do..adapting...

But, to 'preach' just a little for now - which simply needs to be written as stories - thirteen years ago i was THE most pedantic person when it came to words (and have had real publishing - albeit in the legal history books... and what a war that was... writing DID it...many many long tracts)

I KNEW i must curate, take them so seriously...ponder them for months.

And then the worst thing happened. And i stopped. Stopped being me. Let go...

got "out of the way of the words" - i had no idea i could possibly have in me... and then i did (terrible events - let go - who cares - i lost all of 'me' - just let go and spew ..all) 

And to this day that's the way it is. I even collect my own useful words and even some phrases - all the clever people can put on Facebooks or anywhere else clever words about the STUCK loony state many got into (see video yesterday - we knew this was coming 20 or even more years ago...Adam Curtis quite good with his hypernormalisation... but too negative..) 

Nope...don't overthink. Don't even label. Humanity gone weird. McGilchrist is too specific...

snowflakes falling on butterfly wings 

to some  extent the mode of being any became..

I wrote that 10 years ago.

Time get to work weaving... no signal, no Facebook even thank god...

Just in this moment now. Nothing else to do...what a waste... but... maybe not if i find some lovely old jottings to..



(is love)

The real 'problem' i realised some years ago....  has some on this...
And this is no 'judgenment' - there is so little point - especially when some humans are just 'different' - if one as i did age 25 started by simply self therapising via ALL Thomas Hardy ever wrote.. then ALL the better more spirited writer George Elliot ever wrote - her word pictures keep me going still...
Going through series of books - even the awful Karl Ove and his 6 volume self aggrandising pity fest..and moan.. My Struggle  - 3000 odd pages - only 4 or 5 years ago...
One is just different - our minds work is a long novel or odyssey no idea how even a chapter ends   maybe our minds are so different to the maybe 'butterfly' attention - even relationship setting... the majority now have..

But i wonder - the goddesses..i think they want us to think in terms of the odyssey.... it is so much more fun anyway... i have no idea how any may end or begin...thats being ALIVE
And constantly curious
All my metaphysical insights (coincidences, impossible kismets - juju... insights  ) have always said "WRITE"... write for the others who maybe cannot... those who can, should...if they can stop overthinking...everything... stuck on the saddle upon the butterfly....stop and do it..
human civilisation is always based on the STORY...
I am no cynic. They helped me get through the sorrows

And as for the elders (50+)- i think it is our responsibility to next generations to get our insights into them...not for us. Art is for everyone... belongs to no one...thats the divine 'deal', if you ask me