Saturday, 3 June 2023

Dotted around

 are my little adverts

Now...i run two 'websites' - this is simply to create a backdrop for a book i wish to publish - half written, about yes ultra simplest life - the joys of...but it is deeply philosophical too. I read my soulful philosophy and i know my material is... better.
The unmemorable one always on radio 4 from London i forget his name... shaved head, moans a lot...  

But for now i am actually also rolling out on my some years website, a load of truly dangerous (to me) material which is years filming the eco crimes of the whole region from Brecon in the south to Clun in the north.

I began yesterday at dawn. 15 years of cynical eco crime and also crimes against humanity by the actual environmental..ISTS...
I am not interested in any more - old hat for me, but it needs telling to some degree (i have superb chronicles - everything a decade recorded)

The stories i love are how  -especially now, i am actually forced to leave this region - the ultimate schism, for good - many seriously monied people are subtly being outed as eco vandals, etc... and it is dangerous to return without armed Serbians on my side..

The end - a new beginning... maybe, but to have ultra simplified, cut my life back to the barest essentials, if the ONLY reason i am free to do as i have done of late...

My ONLY sadness is i like writing wistfully, poetically, and i can wrote with much wit and genuine humour.  But i am mentally distracted into the other job - years of film especially including of truly terrible wildlife crimes along the river Wye from 15 years ago... needs a home now. And that takes time but also true concentration of self protection...until i find a new horizon. Where i shall most happily only write this book - its all in draft format...years of notes audio and film....

This is not a scam... unlike every single person i have met arriving in aforementioned region for 15+ years...are scammer lite, at least... i am bulletproof - libel, slander.. i have every moment of my day for a decade..recorded...and treble backed up... i went 'schism' for a reason..many.