Damn...i thought i had...
So although it will not be apparent yet, i take rather good arty pictures.
A few hours ago i was walking up the road behind a Primark bag.
To me - though the context is the thing... the beautiful INCONGRUITY... that bag was almost 'art'...in the place where even I have pinched a Prospect bag
but i only ever pinch things as an act of performance art, with good ethical back ground...
It is the manners.. there you are having a chat with these younger smiley sincere lot who write even for Prospect...and it is as if you never had had that chat... when a paying customer lingers...
Forget him. They are only forgettable. Mrs Tangoing Primark bag I shall never foreget. But i really thought i had a snap wandering behind her of the gorgeous incongruity...among the Waitrose, otherposhshop.. 'Number Two' bags.... there was in front a Primark. Before i 'engaged' - and what an engagement! that made me smile...and i bloody took a snap...but it has disappeared....
As if the hologram only allows me to take interest in one bleedin Tango 'bird' at a time...
But what is 'art'? yeahh yeahh yeahhh. i have read all the fancy essays, and i still do not know what it is for. Until one tangoista showed me; it is to not tell you what to think....
But that is ancient history. I must suppose.
For now, i know what i have thought so often that i would not have life any other way as super simplicity gives one time to notice, always.. the wonderful little incongruities. And ponder, muse upon them. Sometimes even Look for 'meaning' nut i know nothing. Except real inner centredness and peace comes from having absolutely nothing to lose.
Except my new Prospect bag.
Which i should now burn or use as toilet rags tomorrow...
something to wipe my "leftovers" with (not copyright me - that came from a 9 year old..once ).
And i was many years a real subscriber. But bad manners always is no good.